In the late evening of October 2016 we heard a meowing in our garden we didn't recognise. In the dark I went looking and quickly I found a small red kitten, afraid but curious.
Claire from the Netherlands *
He's less sad, more playful and really more relaxed!
So we gave him Bach flowers mix no. 111 so that the dejection was less and it has worked well!
Sandrine Henry from France *
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
In the late evening of October 2016 we heard a meowing in our garden we didn't recognise. In the dark I went looking and quickly I found a small red kitten, afraid but curious.
So we gave him Bach flowers mix no. 111 so that the dejection was less and it has worked well!
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.