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Losing weight in a healthy way won't happen overnight. If you try to lose weight too quickly, you're very likely to put it back on again as soon you return to your usual diet. Bach Flower Mix 51 can support you on your weight loss journey, helping you change your eating habits, be patient and persevere.
While weight loss should always be a gradual process, there may be reasons why you aren't shedding kilos as quickly as you'd like. So if you're looking for speedier results, it's worth considering the following reasons for not losing weight:
Stress is linked to both weight gain and not being able to lose those excess kilos. High levels of stress can affect your weight loss regime in several ways:
• Cravings
Stress makes you more likely to crave comfort foods that are high in fat and sugar.
• High levels of cortisol
When you experience too much stress, your body responds by producing more cortisol. This hormone not only increases the appetite but also encourages the body to store fat around the abdomen.
• Missing out on exercise
When you feel tired, stressed or depressed, you're more likely to skip your regular workout.
If you're feeling stressed, Bach Flower Mix 71 can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. Make sure you take regular breaks throughout your day. For example, go for a walk or try relaxation exercises such as deep breathing.
Sleep deprivation affects you both physically and mentally. Not getting enough sleep can leave you feeling irritable, discouraged and confused, and you're likely to grab a chocolate bar or pizza instead of fruit or a salad. You may feel hungry even if you're not. This is because the loss of sleep affects the body's secretion of cortisol, the hormone which regulates the appetite. And when you're exhausted, you might not exercise or even move around much, so you'll expend fewer calories.
To improve your sleep, try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day (no lie-ins at the weekend!), make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature, and avoid screens for an hour or two before bedtime.
It might sound obvious, but a crucial factor in a weight loss regime is the concept of calorie intake versus calorie expenditure. To lose weight, the aim is to burn more calories than you eat so that you create an energy deficit. The body then sources the energy it needs by burning stored fat, resulting in weight loss.
To maintain a healthy weight, men need around 2,500 calories per day and women need 2,000. So if you consume fewer calories, you should lose weight. But many of us underestimate the number of calories contained in food and are also too generous with portion sizes. Use an online calorie calculator and weigh your food to get an accurate picture of how many calories you're really consuming.
Research has shown that people who keep a food diary are more likely to persevere with their weight loss diet and are also more likely to maintain that weight loss after they've reached their target. You can write down everything you eat and calculator the calorie content, or you can use an app to log your food intake.
Try keeping a food diary for a week and see if monitoring your food intake more closely will kickstart your weight loss. You'll also be able to spot any "easy wins" - calorie-rich foods that you can replace with healthier alternatives.
For exercise to impact your weight loss, you should be moderately active for around an hour to an hour and a half every day - thirty minutes for HIIT workouts. If you can't exercise as much as that, or you don't want to, you might have to accept that your weight loss will be slower.
Exercising more doesn't have to involve going to the gym: be more active by sitting less and walking more. Chores such as gardening and housework can also help you reach your weight loss goal.
Do you have an unrealistic concept of what your healthy weight should be? If your BMI (body mass index) is within the healthy range and you're only trying to lose weight to improve your appearance, this could be a reason why your weight loss is slow.
If you'd like to lose weight to lower your risk of medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke or arthritis, talk to your medical practitioner to discover what your target weight should be. But remember that bodies aren't all the same and what is possible for one person is not always achievable for others.
If your current weight is healthy for you, it might be better to appreciate your body and focus on being happy with the way you are.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
What are your aims in life? Do you plan to be rich, to be a top footballer, to be a good parent, or to become Prime Minister? However efficiently you plan your life, sooner or later you are going to come up against obstacles to achieving your goals.
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It’s such a positive thing to do and hope springs eternal, so why not commit yourself to a change this year? Here’s our tips on how to stick to your new year’s resolutions.
Do you suffer from a disorder known as "musturbation"? This term was first coined in the 1950s by psychotherapist Albert Ellis and described the way a negative inner voice rules our minds and bludgeons us with words such as "must", "should", and "ought".
Is your sex life putting your relationship at risk?
Sexual desire is a complex interaction of hormones, emotions and well-being. When your partner is not as interested in sex as you are, it’s rarely a rejection of you as a person. So it’s essential to be as empathetic as you can regarding your differing libidos.
Losing weight in a healthy way won't happen overnight. If you try to lose weight too quickly, you're very likely to put it back on again as soon you return to your usual diet. Bach Flower Mix 51 can support you on your weight loss journey, helping you change your eating habits, be patient and persevere.
While weight loss should always be a gradual process, there may be reasons why you aren't shedding kilos as quickly as you'd like. So if you're looking for speedier results, it's worth considering the following reasons for not losing weight:
Stress is linked to both weight gain and not being able to lose those excess kilos. High levels of stress can affect your weight loss regime in several ways:
• Cravings
Stress makes you more likely to crave comfort foods that are high in fat and sugar.
• High levels of cortisol
When you experience too much stress, your body responds by producing more cortisol. This hormone not only increases the appetite but also encourages the body to store fat around the abdomen.
• Missing out on exercise
When you feel tired, stressed or depressed, you're more likely to skip your regular workout.
If you're feeling stressed, Bach Flower Mix 71 can help you feel calmer and more relaxed. Make sure you take regular breaks throughout your day. For example, go for a walk or try relaxation exercises such as deep breathing.
Sleep deprivation affects you both physically and mentally. Not getting enough sleep can leave you feeling irritable, discouraged and confused, and you're likely to grab a chocolate bar or pizza instead of fruit or a salad. You may feel hungry even if you're not. This is because the loss of sleep affects the body's secretion of cortisol, the hormone which regulates the appetite. And when you're exhausted, you might not exercise or even move around much, so you'll expend fewer calories.
To improve your sleep, try to go to bed and get up at the same time every day (no lie-ins at the weekend!), make sure your bedroom is quiet, dark and at a comfortable temperature, and avoid screens for an hour or two before bedtime.
It might sound obvious, but a crucial factor in a weight loss regime is the concept of calorie intake versus calorie expenditure. To lose weight, the aim is to burn more calories than you eat so that you create an energy deficit. The body then sources the energy it needs by burning stored fat, resulting in weight loss.
To maintain a healthy weight, men need around 2,500 calories per day and women need 2,000. So if you consume fewer calories, you should lose weight. But many of us underestimate the number of calories contained in food and are also too generous with portion sizes. Use an online calorie calculator and weigh your food to get an accurate picture of how many calories you're really consuming.
Research has shown that people who keep a food diary are more likely to persevere with their weight loss diet and are also more likely to maintain that weight loss after they've reached their target. You can write down everything you eat and calculator the calorie content, or you can use an app to log your food intake.
Try keeping a food diary for a week and see if monitoring your food intake more closely will kickstart your weight loss. You'll also be able to spot any "easy wins" - calorie-rich foods that you can replace with healthier alternatives.
For exercise to impact your weight loss, you should be moderately active for around an hour to an hour and a half every day - thirty minutes for HIIT workouts. If you can't exercise as much as that, or you don't want to, you might have to accept that your weight loss will be slower.
Exercising more doesn't have to involve going to the gym: be more active by sitting less and walking more. Chores such as gardening and housework can also help you reach your weight loss goal.
Do you have an unrealistic concept of what your healthy weight should be? If your BMI (body mass index) is within the healthy range and you're only trying to lose weight to improve your appearance, this could be a reason why your weight loss is slow.
If you'd like to lose weight to lower your risk of medical conditions such as heart disease, stroke or arthritis, talk to your medical practitioner to discover what your target weight should be. But remember that bodies aren't all the same and what is possible for one person is not always achievable for others.
If your current weight is healthy for you, it might be better to appreciate your body and focus on being happy with the way you are.
What are your aims in life? Do you plan to be rich, to be a top footballer, to be a good parent, or to become Prime Minister? However efficiently you plan your life, sooner or later you are going to come up against obstacles to achieving your goals.
We simply can’t avoid noticing the changes all around us. Autumn is here... Autumn is also called a transitional season. Slowly and steadily, it prepares us for the transition...
Read the complete articleIt happens to everyone at times: we start doubting ourselves. We worry about the decisions and whether we can face future challenges that life has in store. And sometimes we feel that we just aren't good enough.
It's often difficult to say no, but some people never do! So how do you know when to say no and when to say yes?
Feeling blue? You're not alone! We all feel sad at times; it's a normal human emotion. Sometimes, it's clear to see what has triggered our depression. Common reasons for feeling sad include bereavement, the end of a relationship, losing your job or money problems. But it's not always so clearcut.
People spend so much of their time regretting the past and worrying about the future. But it’s not worth it! Even what happened yesterday doesn't matter anymore! Let go of the past and the future and make the most of every moment.
Looking to lose weight or tone up for the summer? Want to feel your best? Not sure you can meet your targets? Don’t fear. We have ten tips to help you get in shape for summer! Be realistic, be kind to yourself, and improve your health with our gentle and supportive suggestions.
It’s such a positive thing to do and hope springs eternal, so why not commit yourself to a change this year? Here’s our tips on how to stick to your new year’s resolutions.
Do you suffer from a disorder known as "musturbation"? This term was first coined in the 1950s by psychotherapist Albert Ellis and described the way a negative inner voice rules our minds and bludgeons us with words such as "must", "should", and "ought".
Sexual desire is a complex interaction of hormones, emotions and well-being. When your partner is not as interested in sex as you are, it’s rarely a rejection of you as a person. So it’s essential to be as empathetic as you can regarding your differing libidos.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.