Bach Flower Advice

Bach flower Sweet Chestnut

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Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut treats mental anguish and despair

Bach flower Sweet Chestnut

Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa)

The Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut helps to treat people who are suffering from psychological distress. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut aids in balancing the mind’s energies. Becoming more well-balanced mentally paves the way to a happier, more fulfilling future.

Leave mental anguish in the past with Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut.

When we experience a crisis, this places strain on the mind and body. In crisis, the Sweet Chestnut archetype experiences negative thinking. A Sweet Chestnut person will experience feelings of hopelessness. This enduring mental anguish leads them to believe that all avenues have been explored, so nothing can be done to help the situation. They become convinced that they have tried everything and there is no hope left. The negative aspect of the Sweet Chestnut state causes the individual to experience genuine despair and hopelessness. This is the root of their mental anguish. Despair is felt strongly because the person feels they have reached the limit of what they can endure. If you or someone you know is suffering from negative thinking due to experiencing a crisis, Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut can help bring about balance. With renewed strength, you will be able to tackle your problems differently.

Situations Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut can help with:

In situations where people feel they have been pushed to the limit and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, life becomes intolerable. The Sweet Chestnut state causes people to believe there is no solution to their problems and this leads them to feel hopeless. These negative thoughts tend to magnify the emotional impact of any issues, because we no longer believe there is a way out. This makes the suffering worse and leads to feelings of emptiness and loneliness. Negative aspects of the Sweet Chestnut state should be contrasted with the Gorse state. In the latter, there are still solutions which remain untried. But the Sweet Chestnut state differs from this. In crisis, a Sweet Chestnut person believes that there is nothing left to try. They feel hopeless because they are convinced there is nothing they can do and fall into despair. Having such low expectations can lead to feeling extreme distress and self-destructive thinking. The positive power of Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut gives us the strength to recover and move on with our lives.

Using Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut to break the cycle:

Through using Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut, you can find a solution for feelings of extreme mental anguish and despair. Following the recommended daily dosage, helps to break the cycle of destructive thinking. You’ll soon feel your strength flooding back to you as psychological distress begins to fade. Experiencing these changes will make you feel more positive for the future. Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut helps to remind us that a solution (we haven’t thought of yet) could be right around the corner.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut treats mental anguish and despair

Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut treats mental anguish and despair
Bach flower Sweet Chestnut

Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa)

The Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut helps to treat people who are suffering from psychological distress. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut aids in balancing the mind’s energies. Becoming more well-balanced mentally paves the way to a happier, more fulfilling future.

Leave mental anguish in the past with Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut.

When we experience a crisis, this places strain on the mind and body. In crisis, the Sweet Chestnut archetype experiences negative thinking. A Sweet Chestnut person will experience feelings of hopelessness. This enduring mental anguish leads them to believe that all avenues have been explored, so nothing can be done to help the situation. They become convinced that they have tried everything and there is no hope left. The negative aspect of the Sweet Chestnut state causes the individual to experience genuine despair and hopelessness. This is the root of their mental anguish. Despair is felt strongly because the person feels they have reached the limit of what they can endure. If you or someone you know is suffering from negative thinking due to experiencing a crisis, Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut can help bring about balance. With renewed strength, you will be able to tackle your problems differently.

Situations Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut can help with:

In situations where people feel they have been pushed to the limit and there is no light at the end of the tunnel, life becomes intolerable. The Sweet Chestnut state causes people to believe there is no solution to their problems and this leads them to feel hopeless. These negative thoughts tend to magnify the emotional impact of any issues, because we no longer believe there is a way out. This makes the suffering worse and leads to feelings of emptiness and loneliness. Negative aspects of the Sweet Chestnut state should be contrasted with the Gorse state. In the latter, there are still solutions which remain untried. But the Sweet Chestnut state differs from this. In crisis, a Sweet Chestnut person believes that there is nothing left to try. They feel hopeless because they are convinced there is nothing they can do and fall into despair. Having such low expectations can lead to feeling extreme distress and self-destructive thinking. The positive power of Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut gives us the strength to recover and move on with our lives.

Using Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut to break the cycle:

Through using Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut, you can find a solution for feelings of extreme mental anguish and despair. Following the recommended daily dosage, helps to break the cycle of destructive thinking. You’ll soon feel your strength flooding back to you as psychological distress begins to fade. Experiencing these changes will make you feel more positive for the future. Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut helps to remind us that a solution (we haven’t thought of yet) could be right around the corner.

Bach flower number 30: Sweet Chestnut

Bach flower Sweet Chestnut helps with:

  • Deep despair
  • People who are at the end of their rope
  • Despondency
  • Deep suffering
  • The feeling of total isolation
Discover how Bach flower Sweet Chestnut can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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