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Bach Flower Essence Agrimony is useful in situations where a person feels they must put on a brave face even though they are hurting inside. Behind the cheerful mask is a tortured mind. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Agrimony encourages us to embrace our darker facets. Embracing dark and light enables a transformation into more balanced individuals.
The archetypal Agrimony person hides the darker aspects of the self behind a cheerful façade. Due to this, they tend to suffer in silence, and prefer not to talk about their inner turmoil. Agrimony people are friendly, sociable folk who love peace and harmony. Discord and quarrels go against the grain for those in the Agrimony state. Bach Flower Essence Agrimony helps people to confront their troubles and embrace the darker side of their character. Doing this opens up the door to talking the problems through with someone. Learn to embrace your own darkness with Bach Flower Essence Agrimony.
The Agrimony state causes a person’s inner conflict to go unnoticed by those around them. An Agrimony person typically finds it extremely difficult to talk about their problems with others. These individuals do not enjoy being alone for long periods of time. Instead they are the life and soul of the party and enjoy company. Problems start to occur as there is no outlet for darker feelings. They find themselves alone at the end of the night and the happy mask fades into despair when there is no one to see the pain. Some Agrimony people resort to excessive alcohol and drug use to help suppress their dark thoughts and feel happier. But it is not natural to feel too happy all the time and excessive actions have bad consequences for health. When the party is over, the turmoil remains.
Through using Bach Flower Essence Agrimony in the recommended dosage, you can continue being the jovial, fun person everyone loves to be around. The difference is that when you have troubles, there is someone you can talk to. Instead of bottling up negative emotions, you can release them safely. Good friends should be willing to be there for each other, through good times and bad. Peace and harmony are important ideals. But life is never perfect, and we all have problems we don’t want everyone to know about. When we do, there has to be a way to talk them through with someone who is going to listen. Through using Bach Flower Essence Agrimony, there is no longer any need for false smiles in the face of jealousy or envy. Externalizing feelings is a healthy way of dealing with them. With regular proper use, Bach Flower Essence Agrimony can help you to open up about what is troubling you, and talk it over with someone you trust.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Bach flowers in our daily life
Bach flowers can be useful for many of the episodes we experience in our daily life. Here we give an example for each Bach flower where they can be applied to situations you will probably recognise. Read on and learn more about the positive ways you can use Bach flowers.
Bach Flower Essence Vervain helps people with excessive mental energy
The Bach Flower Essence Vervain is an effective way to treat people who suffer due to an overenthusiastic nature.
Bach Flower Essence Centaury (Centaurium erythaea)
The Bach Flower Essence Centaury can help people who find it difficult to say ‘no’.
Bach Flower Essence Willow treats bitterness and self-pity
The Bach Flower Essence Willow is effective in treating those who tend to wallow in self-pity.
Bach Flower Essence Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium)
The Bach Flower Essence Honeysuckle is an effective way to treat people who have a tendency to live in the past.
Bach Flower Essence Chestnut bud treats people who can’t learn from their mistakes
The Bach Flower Essence Chestnut Bud is a natural way to treat individuals who find it impossible to learn from past mistakes.
Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut treats mental anguish and despair
The Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut helps to treat people who are suffering from psychological distress.
Bach Flower Essence Walnut treats vulnerability to outside influences
The Bach Flower Essence Walnut is an effective, natural remedy for people who feel exposed to the influences around them.
Bach Flower Essence Rock Rose (Cistaceae)
Bach Flower Essence Rock Rose treats feelings of terror.
Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut treats over-concern
The Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is a natural remedy for individuals who worry too much about people they love.
Bach Flower Essence Agrimony is useful in situations where a person feels they must put on a brave face even though they are hurting inside. Behind the cheerful mask is a tortured mind. When used appropriately, Bach Flower Essence Agrimony encourages us to embrace our darker facets. Embracing dark and light enables a transformation into more balanced individuals.
The archetypal Agrimony person hides the darker aspects of the self behind a cheerful façade. Due to this, they tend to suffer in silence, and prefer not to talk about their inner turmoil. Agrimony people are friendly, sociable folk who love peace and harmony. Discord and quarrels go against the grain for those in the Agrimony state. Bach Flower Essence Agrimony helps people to confront their troubles and embrace the darker side of their character. Doing this opens up the door to talking the problems through with someone. Learn to embrace your own darkness with Bach Flower Essence Agrimony.
The Agrimony state causes a person’s inner conflict to go unnoticed by those around them. An Agrimony person typically finds it extremely difficult to talk about their problems with others. These individuals do not enjoy being alone for long periods of time. Instead they are the life and soul of the party and enjoy company. Problems start to occur as there is no outlet for darker feelings. They find themselves alone at the end of the night and the happy mask fades into despair when there is no one to see the pain. Some Agrimony people resort to excessive alcohol and drug use to help suppress their dark thoughts and feel happier. But it is not natural to feel too happy all the time and excessive actions have bad consequences for health. When the party is over, the turmoil remains.
Through using Bach Flower Essence Agrimony in the recommended dosage, you can continue being the jovial, fun person everyone loves to be around. The difference is that when you have troubles, there is someone you can talk to. Instead of bottling up negative emotions, you can release them safely. Good friends should be willing to be there for each other, through good times and bad. Peace and harmony are important ideals. But life is never perfect, and we all have problems we don’t want everyone to know about. When we do, there has to be a way to talk them through with someone who is going to listen. Through using Bach Flower Essence Agrimony, there is no longer any need for false smiles in the face of jealousy or envy. Externalizing feelings is a healthy way of dealing with them. With regular proper use, Bach Flower Essence Agrimony can help you to open up about what is troubling you, and talk it over with someone you trust.
Bach flowers can be useful for many of the episodes we experience in our daily life. Here we give an example for each Bach flower where they can be applied to situations you will probably recognise. Read on and learn more about the positive ways you can use Bach flowers.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Vervain is an effective way to treat people who suffer due to an overenthusiastic nature.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Centaury can help people who find it difficult to say ‘no’.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Willow is effective in treating those who tend to wallow in self-pity.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Honeysuckle is an effective way to treat people who have a tendency to live in the past.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Chestnut Bud is a natural way to treat individuals who find it impossible to learn from past mistakes.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Sweet Chestnut helps to treat people who are suffering from psychological distress.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Walnut is an effective, natural remedy for people who feel exposed to the influences around them.
Read the complete articleBach Flower Essence Rock Rose treats feelings of terror.
Read the complete articleThe Bach Flower Essence Red Chestnut is a natural remedy for individuals who worry too much about people they love.
Read the complete articleBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.