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We all like to believe that our relationship will stand the long haul. And there are many clues that can indicate that your partnership will survive and go the distance. But, equally, there may be signs that your relationship could be stuck in a rut and might not last.
It takes commitment to make a relationship work. So if you feel unfulfilled in your relationship, take our quiz to find out whether it’s likely to survive. Then read on for some tips on how to rekindle the flame.
Does your relationship need a boost? To find out, answer the following two sets of questions.
1. Do you trust your partner? Not only in the sense of being faithful but also that they’re always supportive and have your back?
2. Do you share similar goals?
3. Are you physically intimate? It’s not just about sex, but whether you often reach out to touch or hug one another.
4. Can you communicate openly and honestly?
5. Do you still like your partner even when you’re angry with them?
6. Do you have fun and laugh together?
7. Can you fully be yourself in this relationship?
8. Has the spark gone out of your sex life?
9. Do you find you have the same arguments repeatedly?
10. Do you feel underappreciated or take your partner for granted?
11. Do you have different aims in life?
12. Do you feel unable to be completely yourself in the relationship?
13. Has the routine of everyday life (chores, looking after the kids etc.) taken its toll on your relationship?
14. Do you no longer communicate with one another or express your feelings?
15. Has the romance faded as the dirty dishes and laundry pile up?
These questions were divided into two sets. If you answered "Yes" to the questions in the first set, there’s little doubt that your relationship is built to last.
But if you responded "Yes" to the second set of questions, your relationship has likely got stale, and you’re stuck in a rut.
Maybe you feel that it’s time to end the relationship and move on - and that’s fine as well. But if you want to rekindle the spark, try the following tips.
If you’ve been honest with the answers you gave to our quiz, you can now decide on your next steps. Maybe you’re no longer on the same path as your partner, and you’ll decide it’s time to move on. But if you feel your relationship is worth preserving, you will be able to turn things around as long as you’re both prepared to work at it.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Feeling blue? You're not alone! We all feel sad at times; it's a normal human emotion. Sometimes, it's clear to see what has triggered our depression. Common reasons for feeling sad include bereavement, the end of a relationship, losing your job or money problems. But it's not always so clearcut.
How to be less judgemental of others (and yourself!)
Do you feel you’re always criticising and judging everyone, yourself included? Do you feel bad about it afterwards? You’re certainly not alone! Read on to discover how you can judge less and start to accept things the way they are.
Subtle signs your child is unhappy
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And it's not only adults who are diagnosed with this illness. Children as young as three or four years old can experience depression.
Are things moving too fast for you?
If you're worried that the world is changing too fast, you're not alone: technology is constantly developing, and it can be challenging to keep up with all the changes. As a result, many people - not just the older generations - feel anxious that they might get left behind.
Do you expect too much from others? Find out!
Most people are disappointed when others don't meet their expectations. But when you always expect too much, it isn't healthy, either for yourself or for others. If you often find yourself feeling let down by your loved ones or even by strangers, could it be that you have unrealistic ideas of how people should act?
Feel like everyone takes you for granted? Whether it's working late to prepare a presentation or cooking a special birthday meal for your partner, it's nice to be appreciated when you've made an extra effort. And if it seems as if people don't notice, you might feel as if no one values you.
12 easy ways to get people to like you
Have you ever noticed that some people are instantly likeable? Many people believe that people will only like you because of natural traits you're born with: good looks, talent and sociability. But this is a misconception. Getting people to like you is within your control, and it's all to do with self-belief, knowing yourself and being emotionally intelligent. Here's what to do to be more likeable.
How to stop everything going wrong
Do you always feel that everything’s always going wrong? Find out how to stop this cycle of bad thoughts in its tracks. When you think positively, things will start to appear positive and you will eventually feel more positive and optimistic.
While you often hear people joking that they have OCD because they like to keep their house clean and tidy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be a distressing and debilitating mental health condition with a wide range of symptoms.
Stop procrastinating right now and do something!
Read some tips to get the challenge you're thinking about out of the way. Now is the time to do something, you can start right now. Read on to know more!
We all like to believe that our relationship will stand the long haul. And there are many clues that can indicate that your partnership will survive and go the distance. But, equally, there may be signs that your relationship could be stuck in a rut and might not last.
It takes commitment to make a relationship work. So if you feel unfulfilled in your relationship, take our quiz to find out whether it’s likely to survive. Then read on for some tips on how to rekindle the flame.
Does your relationship need a boost? To find out, answer the following two sets of questions.
1. Do you trust your partner? Not only in the sense of being faithful but also that they’re always supportive and have your back?
2. Do you share similar goals?
3. Are you physically intimate? It’s not just about sex, but whether you often reach out to touch or hug one another.
4. Can you communicate openly and honestly?
5. Do you still like your partner even when you’re angry with them?
6. Do you have fun and laugh together?
7. Can you fully be yourself in this relationship?
8. Has the spark gone out of your sex life?
9. Do you find you have the same arguments repeatedly?
10. Do you feel underappreciated or take your partner for granted?
11. Do you have different aims in life?
12. Do you feel unable to be completely yourself in the relationship?
13. Has the routine of everyday life (chores, looking after the kids etc.) taken its toll on your relationship?
14. Do you no longer communicate with one another or express your feelings?
15. Has the romance faded as the dirty dishes and laundry pile up?
These questions were divided into two sets. If you answered "Yes" to the questions in the first set, there’s little doubt that your relationship is built to last.
But if you responded "Yes" to the second set of questions, your relationship has likely got stale, and you’re stuck in a rut.
Maybe you feel that it’s time to end the relationship and move on - and that’s fine as well. But if you want to rekindle the spark, try the following tips.
If you’ve been honest with the answers you gave to our quiz, you can now decide on your next steps. Maybe you’re no longer on the same path as your partner, and you’ll decide it’s time to move on. But if you feel your relationship is worth preserving, you will be able to turn things around as long as you’re both prepared to work at it.
Feeling blue? You're not alone! We all feel sad at times; it's a normal human emotion. Sometimes, it's clear to see what has triggered our depression. Common reasons for feeling sad include bereavement, the end of a relationship, losing your job or money problems. But it's not always so clearcut.
Do you feel you’re always criticising and judging everyone, yourself included? Do you feel bad about it afterwards? You’re certainly not alone! Read on to discover how you can judge less and start to accept things the way they are.
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And it's not only adults who are diagnosed with this illness. Children as young as three or four years old can experience depression.
If you're worried that the world is changing too fast, you're not alone: technology is constantly developing, and it can be challenging to keep up with all the changes. As a result, many people - not just the older generations - feel anxious that they might get left behind.
Most people are disappointed when others don't meet their expectations. But when you always expect too much, it isn't healthy, either for yourself or for others. If you often find yourself feeling let down by your loved ones or even by strangers, could it be that you have unrealistic ideas of how people should act?
Read the complete articleFeel like everyone takes you for granted? Whether it's working late to prepare a presentation or cooking a special birthday meal for your partner, it's nice to be appreciated when you've made an extra effort. And if it seems as if people don't notice, you might feel as if no one values you.
Read the complete articleHave you ever noticed that some people are instantly likeable? Many people believe that people will only like you because of natural traits you're born with: good looks, talent and sociability. But this is a misconception. Getting people to like you is within your control, and it's all to do with self-belief, knowing yourself and being emotionally intelligent. Here's what to do to be more likeable.
Do you always feel that everything’s always going wrong? Find out how to stop this cycle of bad thoughts in its tracks. When you think positively, things will start to appear positive and you will eventually feel more positive and optimistic.
While you often hear people joking that they have OCD because they like to keep their house clean and tidy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be a distressing and debilitating mental health condition with a wide range of symptoms.
Read some tips to get the challenge you're thinking about out of the way. Now is the time to do something, you can start right now. Read on to know more!
Read the complete articleBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.