Do you suffer with nomophobia? You probably don’t even know what nomophobia is, do you? The thing is, estimates suggest that 53% of the UK population and 65% of the US population have nomophobia, and you may well be one of them! Find out by taking our short test.
You arrive at work but left your mobile phone on the kitchen worktop. Do you:
a. Email people to let them know you can only be contacted by landline
b. Shrug and go and get a coffee
c. Have a total meltdown
You arrive early for a meeting with friends. Do you:
a. Find a newspaper and chill
b. People watch
c. Locate a table with a socket so you can charge your phone while feverishly checking it.
It’s really lovely to spend time with your friends. Do you:
a. Take the opportunity for a giggle and a gossip
b. Talk about relationships, holidays and your plans for the near future
c. Each spend most of your time looking at your phone – even commenting on each other’s status updates
You go to a live music event. Do you:
a. Really enjoy the music. It’s great to see this band in person.
b. Dance around with your friends and have a few drinks
c. Watch it all vicariously through your device while recording it all on your mobile to upload to YouTube later.
You regularly check:
a. You don’t have any bits in your teeth
b. Where your purse/wallet is
c. Your mobile phone reception, your texts, and your status
Which of these things do you NEVER switch off?
a. Your TV
b. Your radio
c. Your mobile phone.
It’s time to turn out the lights: Do you
a. Snuggle up with a good book
b. Snuggle up with a loved one
c. Snuggle up with social media
You’ve probably guessed what we’re getting at here. Most of us will suffer a little anxiety when we misplace our belongings, or we can’t use our mobile phone. Nomophobia however, is the overwhelming feeling that many people experience when they have lost or forgotten their phone, or they cannot get a signal. People who suffer with nomophobia will suffer with symptoms such as trembling, dizziness, sweating, fast heart rate, pain in the chest, nausea and even out-and-out panic attacks!
So how did you do? If you scored mostly c’s in our little quiz, and if you’re someone who reacts very badly to a loss of signal, or when you have misplaced your phone, or you feel your life would end if you were out of contract with your provider, it really could be time to consider accessing professional help.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
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Do you suffer with nomophobia? You probably don’t even know what nomophobia is, do you? The thing is, estimates suggest that 53% of the UK population and 65% of the US population have nomophobia, and you may well be one of them! Find out by taking our short test.
You arrive at work but left your mobile phone on the kitchen worktop. Do you:
a. Email people to let them know you can only be contacted by landline
b. Shrug and go and get a coffee
c. Have a total meltdown
You arrive early for a meeting with friends. Do you:
a. Find a newspaper and chill
b. People watch
c. Locate a table with a socket so you can charge your phone while feverishly checking it.
It’s really lovely to spend time with your friends. Do you:
a. Take the opportunity for a giggle and a gossip
b. Talk about relationships, holidays and your plans for the near future
c. Each spend most of your time looking at your phone – even commenting on each other’s status updates
You go to a live music event. Do you:
a. Really enjoy the music. It’s great to see this band in person.
b. Dance around with your friends and have a few drinks
c. Watch it all vicariously through your device while recording it all on your mobile to upload to YouTube later.
You regularly check:
a. You don’t have any bits in your teeth
b. Where your purse/wallet is
c. Your mobile phone reception, your texts, and your status
Which of these things do you NEVER switch off?
a. Your TV
b. Your radio
c. Your mobile phone.
It’s time to turn out the lights: Do you
a. Snuggle up with a good book
b. Snuggle up with a loved one
c. Snuggle up with social media
You’ve probably guessed what we’re getting at here. Most of us will suffer a little anxiety when we misplace our belongings, or we can’t use our mobile phone. Nomophobia however, is the overwhelming feeling that many people experience when they have lost or forgotten their phone, or they cannot get a signal. People who suffer with nomophobia will suffer with symptoms such as trembling, dizziness, sweating, fast heart rate, pain in the chest, nausea and even out-and-out panic attacks!
So how did you do? If you scored mostly c’s in our little quiz, and if you’re someone who reacts very badly to a loss of signal, or when you have misplaced your phone, or you feel your life would end if you were out of contract with your provider, it really could be time to consider accessing professional help.
No one knows what the future holds, so don't waste time and energy worrying about it. Read our tips and find out how to stop being afraid of what might never happen.
Read the complete articleSince the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have taken unprecedented measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. The rapid changes we've seen have had an impact on almost every aspect of our lives.
We simply can’t avoid noticing the changes all around us. Autumn is here... Autumn is also called a transitional season. Slowly and steadily, it prepares us for the transition...
Read the complete articleMost people are disappointed when others don't meet their expectations. But when you always expect too much, it isn't healthy, either for yourself or for others. If you often find yourself feeling let down by your loved ones or even by strangers, could it be that you have unrealistic ideas of how people should act?
Read the complete articleEveryone is unique, even in their own bad habits or negative traits. Here are some tips to balance those negative traits in our new article!
Do you feel you're always doing the same things and not getting anywhere? It's common to feel stuck in a rut, treading water and just going through the motions.
It's not always easy to tell if someone has depression. While some signs such as sadness, pessimism and withdrawal from social interaction are easy to recognise, other symptoms may be less obvious. And some people are very good at hiding their depression - even from themselves!
What can you do if your kid doesn't want to go back to school? Here are our hints and tips to help if your child is expressing a refusal to go to school.
Your relationship ends, or you lose your job, and you get stuck in a rut of negative thoughts and suffering. How good are you at letting go of grudges and accepting that some things are beyond your control? Take our quiz to find out!
Read the complete articleFacing the loss of a family member or close friend is probably one of the most difficult challenges that life throws at us. When we've lost a partner, parent, brother or sister, we're likely to experience intense grief.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.