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Is it OCD? Find out!

Is it OCD Find out!

While you often hear people joking that they have OCD because they like to keep their house clean and tidy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be a distressing and debilitating mental health condition with a wide range of symptoms.

If you feel compelled to carry out specific behaviours, such as organising items in a specific way or repeatedly checking for danger, or experience unwanted, repetitive thoughts, you might be suffering from OCD. Take our quiz to find out more about this condition and whether you are showing signs of OCD.

Take the quiz

1. Are you troubled by intrusive, unpleasant thoughts that repeatedly occur, for example, fears about contamination by germs, dirt or radiation, or about catching a disease?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

2. Are you overconcerned with making sure that objects such as groceries, clothing or tools are in exact order or arranged perfectly?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

3. Are you bothered with religious or sexual thoughts that are personally unacceptable to you?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

4. Do you worry about bad stuff that might happen, such as flooding, fire or burglary?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

5. Do you worry that you might do something that would hurt another person, for example, by causing an accident while driving, giving them a disease such as flu, or them being harmed because you were not careful enough?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

6. Do you ever worry that you might feel compelled to act on a senseless, dangerous impulse that could harm someone, for example, by inappropriate sexual contact, giving them food poisoning, or by pushing them under a train?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

7. Have you felt compelled to carry out specific acts repeatedly, for example, excessive hand washing, showering or cleaning?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

8. Checking the oven, light switches, locks, or the hand brake?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

9. Arranging objects, so they are in order, counting, making lists?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

10. Collecting objects that have no practical use or inspecting the rubbish before you throw it out?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

11. Repeating actions, for example, getting up out of a chair or going through a doorway many times until it feels right?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

12. Do you feel compelled to touch people or objects?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

13. Do you reopen envelopes before posting them because you feel compelled to reread what you've written?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

14. Do you examine yourself for signs of illness?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

15. Do you avoid certain colours, names or numbers because you associate them with unpleasant thoughts or events?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

16. Do you feel compelled to repeatedly ask for reassurance that you did or said something correctly?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

Now add up your scores. Give four points for every a), three for b), two for c), and one for d).

Your results:

0-20: OCD is unlikely

20-40: You may have a risk of OCD

40-64: OCD is likely

Tips for living with OCD

OCD is a lifelong condition, but you can manage it so that it doesn't hijack your life, taking up excessive amounts of your energy and time.

The main ways to treat OCD are with therapy and/or medication, but self-care has a vital role to play and brings many benefits.


Eat well and eat regularly. If you skip meals, your blood sugar levels drop, making you feel irritable and tired. Get into the habit of eating breakfast, and eat little and often throughout the day to stabilise your mood.

Opt for:

  • Protein such as meat, eggs and beans
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Complex carbs such as whole grains, vegetables and fruit
  • Nuts and seeds, which are packed with healthy nutrients

Avoid caffeine

Try to avoid caffeine, found in coffee and tea, cola, and energy drinks, as it can rack up your anxiety.

Don't be tempted to escape your OCD with alcohol, drugs or cigarettes

These substances can feel initially as if they're calming your anxiety, but they create more before they leave your body.

Create a good sleep routine

It can be hard to sleep when you're anxious, but sleep is essential for your mental health. So banish screens from your bedroom and take a warm bath or listen to relaxing music to help you fall asleep.


Anxiety causes your body to release cortisol. This hormone is beneficial in small amounts but can cause harm when levels are too high. Exercise not only helps to regulate cortisol but also boosts your sense of well-being.

Don't forget to take your meds

If your doctor has prescribed medication, it's essential to take it regularly. Don't miss doses or stop suddenly without consulting your physician.

Reach out

Don't bottle it all up: saying what you're thinking can be very helpful in reducing anxiety and giving you a more positive perspective. As well as talking to your physician, a counsellor, therapist or support group will provide you with a connection with others who understand.


Learn to relax with yoga, art, walking in nature or meditation. Find something relaxing you enjoy and try to practice it for half an hour every day.

Bach Flower Essences

Bach Flower Essence can help treat symptoms of OCD such as anxiety and stress, irritability and fatigue. We can also create a unique Bach Flower Mix to support you with specific symptoms you may be experiencing.

Celebrate your wins

The good news is that you can learn to live with OCD, but it takes time and effort. As with any other life goal, you'll experience obstacles and challenges. While you're working on your OCD, don't forget to take a step back, acknowledge your wins, and celebrate your progress along the way.


Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Is it OCD? Find out!

Is it OCD? Find out!
Is it OCD Find out!

While you often hear people joking that they have OCD because they like to keep their house clean and tidy, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder can be a distressing and debilitating mental health condition with a wide range of symptoms.

If you feel compelled to carry out specific behaviours, such as organising items in a specific way or repeatedly checking for danger, or experience unwanted, repetitive thoughts, you might be suffering from OCD. Take our quiz to find out more about this condition and whether you are showing signs of OCD.

Bach flowers personal mix

Bach flowers personal mix:

  • Personal combination
  • Based on your symptoms and character
  • Bach flower remedy personally selected by Tom
  • Fast and good results
Discover how Personal Bach flowers remedy - Wizard can help you

Take the quiz

1. Are you troubled by intrusive, unpleasant thoughts that repeatedly occur, for example, fears about contamination by germs, dirt or radiation, or about catching a disease?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

2. Are you overconcerned with making sure that objects such as groceries, clothing or tools are in exact order or arranged perfectly?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

3. Are you bothered with religious or sexual thoughts that are personally unacceptable to you?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

4. Do you worry about bad stuff that might happen, such as flooding, fire or burglary?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

5. Do you worry that you might do something that would hurt another person, for example, by causing an accident while driving, giving them a disease such as flu, or them being harmed because you were not careful enough?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

6. Do you ever worry that you might feel compelled to act on a senseless, dangerous impulse that could harm someone, for example, by inappropriate sexual contact, giving them food poisoning, or by pushing them under a train?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

7. Have you felt compelled to carry out specific acts repeatedly, for example, excessive hand washing, showering or cleaning?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

8. Checking the oven, light switches, locks, or the hand brake?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

9. Arranging objects, so they are in order, counting, making lists?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

10. Collecting objects that have no practical use or inspecting the rubbish before you throw it out?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

11. Repeating actions, for example, getting up out of a chair or going through a doorway many times until it feels right?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

12. Do you feel compelled to touch people or objects?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

13. Do you reopen envelopes before posting them because you feel compelled to reread what you've written?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

14. Do you examine yourself for signs of illness?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

15. Do you avoid certain colours, names or numbers because you associate them with unpleasant thoughts or events?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

16. Do you feel compelled to repeatedly ask for reassurance that you did or said something correctly?

a) Very often

b) Frequently

c) Occasionally

d) Never

Now add up your scores. Give four points for every a), three for b), two for c), and one for d).

Your results:

0-20: OCD is unlikely

20-40: You may have a risk of OCD

40-64: OCD is likely

Tips for living with OCD

OCD is a lifelong condition, but you can manage it so that it doesn't hijack your life, taking up excessive amounts of your energy and time.

The main ways to treat OCD are with therapy and/or medication, but self-care has a vital role to play and brings many benefits.


Eat well and eat regularly. If you skip meals, your blood sugar levels drop, making you feel irritable and tired. Get into the habit of eating breakfast, and eat little and often throughout the day to stabilise your mood.

Opt for:

  • Protein such as meat, eggs and beans
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Complex carbs such as whole grains, vegetables and fruit
  • Nuts and seeds, which are packed with healthy nutrients

Avoid caffeine

Try to avoid caffeine, found in coffee and tea, cola, and energy drinks, as it can rack up your anxiety.

Don't be tempted to escape your OCD with alcohol, drugs or cigarettes

These substances can feel initially as if they're calming your anxiety, but they create more before they leave your body.

Create a good sleep routine

It can be hard to sleep when you're anxious, but sleep is essential for your mental health. So banish screens from your bedroom and take a warm bath or listen to relaxing music to help you fall asleep.


Anxiety causes your body to release cortisol. This hormone is beneficial in small amounts but can cause harm when levels are too high. Exercise not only helps to regulate cortisol but also boosts your sense of well-being.

Don't forget to take your meds

If your doctor has prescribed medication, it's essential to take it regularly. Don't miss doses or stop suddenly without consulting your physician.

Reach out

Don't bottle it all up: saying what you're thinking can be very helpful in reducing anxiety and giving you a more positive perspective. As well as talking to your physician, a counsellor, therapist or support group will provide you with a connection with others who understand.


Learn to relax with yoga, art, walking in nature or meditation. Find something relaxing you enjoy and try to practice it for half an hour every day.

Bach Flower Essences

Bach Flower Essence can help treat symptoms of OCD such as anxiety and stress, irritability and fatigue. We can also create a unique Bach Flower Mix to support you with specific symptoms you may be experiencing.

Celebrate your wins

The good news is that you can learn to live with OCD, but it takes time and effort. As with any other life goal, you'll experience obstacles and challenges. While you're working on your OCD, don't forget to take a step back, acknowledge your wins, and celebrate your progress along the way.


Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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