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We all go through times when we feel that what we’re striving for is always just out of reach. We feel like we’re treading water, just keeping ourselves afloat without achieving anything new. This is quite normal, after all, we’re all only human.
Getting stuck in a rut is often caused by fear. Trying new experiences can be scary and sometimes it’s just easier to play safe and stick with what we know. Being overwhelmed by negative thoughts and anxieties may be why we limit ourselves to the same old routines.
The first step to making positive changes in your life is to understand that the only thing holding you back is you. Once you realise that getting stuck in a rut doesn’t need to last forever, you can start to move forward. But for some people, sliding into a rut happens almost without them realising it. If you’re not sure whether you’re stuck in a rut or not, take our quiz and find out!
1. When you wake up in the morning, do you:
a) Roll over and try to get back to sleep: you find yourself dreading the day
b) Roll over and snooze for another ten minutes as you always feel exhausted
c) Just get up and get on with the essentials
d) Spring out of bed refreshed and enthused about your day
2. How do you feel about your job? Do you:
a) Watch the clock until it’s time to leave
b) Accept that it’s a way to make a living and you can tolerate it
c) You enjoy your job and are in no rush to leave
d) I enjoy my job but I feel ready for a new challenge
3. You’ve been invited on an evening out: do you:
a) Refuse the invitation because watching TV sounds more appealing
b) Refuse the invitation because you have responsibilities you can’t avoid
c) Accept the invitation because it’s a long while since you’ve been out but without expecting to enjoy yourself
d) Accept the invitation gladly and look forward to a fun night out
4. You’re thinking about trying a new hobby but…
a) I don't really need a new hobby! I like things as they are.
b) My days are full and I can’t make time for it
c) It’s never quite the right time to try something new
d) I often try new things and thrive on new experiences
5. When your friends ask you what your plans are for the weekend, do you reply:
a) Catching up with the box sets
b) Just the same old, same old
c) I might give that new place a try
d) Loads of exciting things planned! Want to come along?
6. When did you last discover a new musical artist that you enjoyed?
a) Can’t remember
b) Within the past year
c) Within the last few months
d) Within the last week
7. What about your friends?
a) They’re driving me mad, I’d rather not spend time with them
b) They’re boring me, I’m really fed up with them
c) They’re sometimes a bit boring but I spend a lot of time with them
d) They’re fantastic, I really look forward to spending time with them
8. Do you often daydream?
a) Constantly
b) Sometimes
c) Only when I’m bored
d) Hardly ever, I prefer to put my plans into action
9. When you try to make changes to your life, what happens?
a) I get discouraged very easily and nothing changes
b) I’m changing less that I want to
c) It’s easy to make small changes, important ones are more difficult
d) I make plans and follow them through
10. Do you know what you want to achieve in life?
a) No, you’re just drifting through the days
b) Partly, but I’m still working some of it out in my head
c) Mostly, but I’m not sure how I’m going to achieve it all
d) Yes, I have plans and I’m confident I can achieve my aims
11. While you might think you would be happier if you could change things, are you also thinking “better the devil you know”?
a) Yes, who knows what’s around the corner?
b) I know I need to change but I’m afraid. I’m happier dealing with familiar routines
c) I’m OK, I can change when I really need to
d) Never! I’ll always make changes if I’m not happy with how things are
Mostly a’s: You probably won’t be surprised to learn that you’re really stuck in a rut. There’s not a lot going on in your life and your creativity and energy have dried up. Being trapped in the same old routines makes it hard to make a change. To escape from a rut, you need to be confident and try as many new things as you can. If you’re worried about trying new things, Bach flower essences can help to overcome fears and anxieties that might be holding you back.
Mostly b’s: You’ve fallen into a bit of a rut but you’re not stuck there. You might not have been aware of this but luckily, it’s easy to shake things up a bit. Trying a new sport or hobby is good for physical and mental health and will have a positive impact on every area of your life.
Mostly c’s: You are not stuck in a rut but you do enjoy some routine in your life. Try new things as often as you can. Forcing yourself outside your comfort zone as often as you will boost your energy and creativity.
Mostly d’s: You are definitely not in a rut, You might even be a little addicted to novelty but that’s not a bad thing. You’re not going to run out of creative ideas any time soon! Not only are you living your life to the fullest but you’re also making sure that your family and friends are too.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
It's natural to compare our own lives with those of others - weighing up the pros and cons of situations helps us make decisions. But there can be a downside when you find you're constantly comparing yourself with others, envying their seemingly perfect lives and wondering why they are luckier, more prosperous, and better looking than you.
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Millions of people furloughed for months are now being recalled to work. Others, who have been working from home throughout the lockdown, are returning to the office. And some jobs have simply disappeared: many people are facing redundancy and will soon have to cope with job hunting. Going back to work after an unprecedented length of time at home is quite a challenge.
Do you expect too much from others? Find out!
Most people are disappointed when others don't meet their expectations. But when you always expect too much, it isn't healthy, either for yourself or for others. If you often find yourself feeling let down by your loved ones or even by strangers, could it be that you have unrealistic ideas of how people should act?
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It is not always obvious when someone is experiencing depression. Some people with depression mask their symptoms, hiding their feelings behind a smile to convince others they are happy.
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Can you accept things you can't change? Take our quiz!
Your relationship ends, or you lose your job, and you get stuck in a rut of negative thoughts and suffering. How good are you at letting go of grudges and accepting that some things are beyond your control? Take our quiz to find out!
Feeling blue? You're not alone! We all feel sad at times; it's a normal human emotion. Sometimes, it's clear to see what has triggered our depression. Common reasons for feeling sad include bereavement, the end of a relationship, losing your job or money problems. But it's not always so clearcut.
We all go through times when we feel that what we’re striving for is always just out of reach. We feel like we’re treading water, just keeping ourselves afloat without achieving anything new. This is quite normal, after all, we’re all only human.
Getting stuck in a rut is often caused by fear. Trying new experiences can be scary and sometimes it’s just easier to play safe and stick with what we know. Being overwhelmed by negative thoughts and anxieties may be why we limit ourselves to the same old routines.
The first step to making positive changes in your life is to understand that the only thing holding you back is you. Once you realise that getting stuck in a rut doesn’t need to last forever, you can start to move forward. But for some people, sliding into a rut happens almost without them realising it. If you’re not sure whether you’re stuck in a rut or not, take our quiz and find out!
1. When you wake up in the morning, do you:
a) Roll over and try to get back to sleep: you find yourself dreading the day
b) Roll over and snooze for another ten minutes as you always feel exhausted
c) Just get up and get on with the essentials
d) Spring out of bed refreshed and enthused about your day
2. How do you feel about your job? Do you:
a) Watch the clock until it’s time to leave
b) Accept that it’s a way to make a living and you can tolerate it
c) You enjoy your job and are in no rush to leave
d) I enjoy my job but I feel ready for a new challenge
3. You’ve been invited on an evening out: do you:
a) Refuse the invitation because watching TV sounds more appealing
b) Refuse the invitation because you have responsibilities you can’t avoid
c) Accept the invitation because it’s a long while since you’ve been out but without expecting to enjoy yourself
d) Accept the invitation gladly and look forward to a fun night out
4. You’re thinking about trying a new hobby but…
a) I don't really need a new hobby! I like things as they are.
b) My days are full and I can’t make time for it
c) It’s never quite the right time to try something new
d) I often try new things and thrive on new experiences
5. When your friends ask you what your plans are for the weekend, do you reply:
a) Catching up with the box sets
b) Just the same old, same old
c) I might give that new place a try
d) Loads of exciting things planned! Want to come along?
6. When did you last discover a new musical artist that you enjoyed?
a) Can’t remember
b) Within the past year
c) Within the last few months
d) Within the last week
7. What about your friends?
a) They’re driving me mad, I’d rather not spend time with them
b) They’re boring me, I’m really fed up with them
c) They’re sometimes a bit boring but I spend a lot of time with them
d) They’re fantastic, I really look forward to spending time with them
8. Do you often daydream?
a) Constantly
b) Sometimes
c) Only when I’m bored
d) Hardly ever, I prefer to put my plans into action
9. When you try to make changes to your life, what happens?
a) I get discouraged very easily and nothing changes
b) I’m changing less that I want to
c) It’s easy to make small changes, important ones are more difficult
d) I make plans and follow them through
10. Do you know what you want to achieve in life?
a) No, you’re just drifting through the days
b) Partly, but I’m still working some of it out in my head
c) Mostly, but I’m not sure how I’m going to achieve it all
d) Yes, I have plans and I’m confident I can achieve my aims
11. While you might think you would be happier if you could change things, are you also thinking “better the devil you know”?
a) Yes, who knows what’s around the corner?
b) I know I need to change but I’m afraid. I’m happier dealing with familiar routines
c) I’m OK, I can change when I really need to
d) Never! I’ll always make changes if I’m not happy with how things are
Mostly a’s: You probably won’t be surprised to learn that you’re really stuck in a rut. There’s not a lot going on in your life and your creativity and energy have dried up. Being trapped in the same old routines makes it hard to make a change. To escape from a rut, you need to be confident and try as many new things as you can. If you’re worried about trying new things, Bach flower essences can help to overcome fears and anxieties that might be holding you back.
Mostly b’s: You’ve fallen into a bit of a rut but you’re not stuck there. You might not have been aware of this but luckily, it’s easy to shake things up a bit. Trying a new sport or hobby is good for physical and mental health and will have a positive impact on every area of your life.
Mostly c’s: You are not stuck in a rut but you do enjoy some routine in your life. Try new things as often as you can. Forcing yourself outside your comfort zone as often as you will boost your energy and creativity.
Mostly d’s: You are definitely not in a rut, You might even be a little addicted to novelty but that’s not a bad thing. You’re not going to run out of creative ideas any time soon! Not only are you living your life to the fullest but you’re also making sure that your family and friends are too.
It's natural to compare our own lives with those of others - weighing up the pros and cons of situations helps us make decisions. But there can be a downside when you find you're constantly comparing yourself with others, envying their seemingly perfect lives and wondering why they are luckier, more prosperous, and better looking than you.
Do you find yourself often thinking about your past? Do you wish you could turn back the clock to days gone by or things as they were before covid disrupted the world?
Do you expect more from others than they are prepared to give? Signs that you may be asking too much - and how to break the pattern.
Millions of people furloughed for months are now being recalled to work. Others, who have been working from home throughout the lockdown, are returning to the office. And some jobs have simply disappeared: many people are facing redundancy and will soon have to cope with job hunting. Going back to work after an unprecedented length of time at home is quite a challenge.
Most people are disappointed when others don't meet their expectations. But when you always expect too much, it isn't healthy, either for yourself or for others. If you often find yourself feeling let down by your loved ones or even by strangers, could it be that you have unrealistic ideas of how people should act?
Read the complete articleIt is not always obvious when someone is experiencing depression. Some people with depression mask their symptoms, hiding their feelings behind a smile to convince others they are happy.
No one knows what the future holds, so don't waste time and energy worrying about it. Read our tips and find out how to stop being afraid of what might never happen.
Read the complete articleSince the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, governments around the world have taken unprecedented measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. The rapid changes we've seen have had an impact on almost every aspect of our lives.
Your relationship ends, or you lose your job, and you get stuck in a rut of negative thoughts and suffering. How good are you at letting go of grudges and accepting that some things are beyond your control? Take our quiz to find out!
Read the complete articleFeeling blue? You're not alone! We all feel sad at times; it's a normal human emotion. Sometimes, it's clear to see what has triggered our depression. Common reasons for feeling sad include bereavement, the end of a relationship, losing your job or money problems. But it's not always so clearcut.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.