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Foods you can eat for an energy booster

foods you can eat for an energy booster

If you’re someone who finds it hard to get going in the morning, or you suffer with an afternoon slump, you may well be looking for information about foods you can eat that boost your energy levels. As tempting as it is to reach for a high sugar energy drink, you probably already know that these aren’t particularly good for you.

Sugary drinks either contains chemicals or too much sugar, and sometimes both. Any benefit you receive will be short-lived. There are healthier sources of energy that are far better for you.

Here’s our list of great foods that will boost your energy

Yogurt. Yoghurt is a wonderful source of high-quality protein that will fill you up and provide energy to your brain. Add it to other foods we’re including on this list for a super energy boost. Yoghurt is versatile as you can have some for breakfast, a snack or as a dessert.

Fruit. It’s no surprise that fruit makes this list, is it? Fruits such as apples, which have a high level of vitamins and minerals, release energy quickly. Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C, and this makes you less tired for up to two hours after intake. One of the cheapest foods for an instant pick-me-up is the ever-popular banana. Bananas contain glucose which provides a great energy boost. For a post lunch slump, try and nibble on blueberries. They are low in sugar, but high in fibre, a powerful combination to keep your body thrumming with energy.

Nuts and seeds. Most nuts, including almonds, hazelnuts and cashews are packed full of nutrients, fibre and healthy fats, and they are an excellent source of protein, helping to sustain energy levels. They're easy to take wherever you go, so grab a bag and snack on the go! Pumpkin seeds are a good source of protein, healthy fats and fibre, and will keep you feeling full and energized longer. They contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, all of which provide additional energy support. Add them to salads or eat them on their own and they’ll perk you up in no time.

Trail Mix. Trail mix is a combination of nuts, seeds, and dried food and is perfect for you if you find fatigue strikes while you’re on the move. The fat in the nuts and seeds is a great source for long-lasting energy, while the high fibre content in the mix slows down the release of glucose. You only need a handful or two per day, as trail mix is high in calories.

Pulses. Quinoa is packed with protein and is rich in amino acids, high in folate, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. It is the perfect nutrient-packed source of carbohydrates for long-lasting energy levels. Add it to herbs, with chicken and tomatoes and it is delicious as a lunch or dinner. Meanwhile lentils are high in fibre content which helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, keeping you energized all day.

Fish. Tuna fish contains protein, and Vitamin B and is a great source of energy. Wild Salmon is a great muscle builder and a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, to help maintain high energy levels.

Lean Beef. Beef is high in protein and amino acids and helps to sustain your energy levels and keep you feeling fuller longer. Serve it with vegetables and you’ve got yourself a wonderfully balanced dinner.

Water. Being dehydrated is a common cause of lack of energy or feelings of hunger. The next time you feel particularly sluggish, drink a glass of water and see whether this gives you a quick energy boost. In addition, try adding lemon to your water. Lemon transforms water into a natural energy drink, packed with electrolytes, which are critical for cells to produce energy.

Beans. If you want to feel full of beans, perhaps you need to be full of beans! Beans keep you feeling full and satisfied, and prevent you from feeling lethargic by midday. The protein found in beans will regulate blood sugar levels, keeping them steady. Beans are a complex carbohydrate and therefore provides energy for the brain and body.

Eggs. Perfect for breakfast, eggs provide high-quality protein and heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that help you to stay energized.

Whole Grain Cereal. Another breakfast classic, whole grain cereal is high in fibre, and allows for the slow release of glucose into the bloodstream, meaning you’ll feel more energetic for longer.

Dark Chocolate. It’s official. Research from the Northern Arizona University in the USA, found that with 60 percent cacao increased alertness and attentiveness. Dark chocolate contains the natural stimulant theobromine, similar to caffeine, which boosts your energy and your mood. A small piece is enough to keep you going but remember, don’t overdo it.

Regulate your energy

In addition to a healthy balanced diet containing food from all of the main food groups (fruit and vegetables, carbs and starches, dairy and beans and pulses etc.) it is important to eat at regular intervals. Eat three or four small meal a day and limit snacks between meals.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

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Foods you can eat for an energy booster

Foods you can eat for an energy booster
foods you can eat for an energy booster

If you’re someone who finds it hard to get going in the morning, or you suffer with an afternoon slump, you may well be looking for information about foods you can eat that boost your energy levels. As tempting as it is to reach for a high sugar energy drink, you probably already know that these aren’t particularly good for you.

Sugary drinks either contains chemicals or too much sugar, and sometimes both. Any benefit you receive will be short-lived. There are healthier sources of energy that are far better for you.

Here’s our list of great foods that will boost your energy

Yogurt. Yoghurt is a wonderful source of high-quality protein that will fill you up and provide energy to your brain. Add it to other foods we’re including on this list for a super energy boost. Yoghurt is versatile as you can have some for breakfast, a snack or as a dessert.

Fruit. It’s no surprise that fruit makes this list, is it? Fruits such as apples, which have a high level of vitamins and minerals, release energy quickly. Oranges contain high levels of vitamin C, and this makes you less tired for up to two hours after intake. One of the cheapest foods for an instant pick-me-up is the ever-popular banana. Bananas contain glucose which provides a great energy boost. For a post lunch slump, try and nibble on blueberries. They are low in sugar, but high in fibre, a powerful combination to keep your body thrumming with energy.

Nuts and seeds. Most nuts, including almonds, hazelnuts and cashews are packed full of nutrients, fibre and healthy fats, and they are an excellent source of protein, helping to sustain energy levels. They're easy to take wherever you go, so grab a bag and snack on the go! Pumpkin seeds are a good source of protein, healthy fats and fibre, and will keep you feeling full and energized longer. They contain manganese, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc, all of which provide additional energy support. Add them to salads or eat them on their own and they’ll perk you up in no time.

Trail Mix. Trail mix is a combination of nuts, seeds, and dried food and is perfect for you if you find fatigue strikes while you’re on the move. The fat in the nuts and seeds is a great source for long-lasting energy, while the high fibre content in the mix slows down the release of glucose. You only need a handful or two per day, as trail mix is high in calories.

Pulses. Quinoa is packed with protein and is rich in amino acids, high in folate, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. It is the perfect nutrient-packed source of carbohydrates for long-lasting energy levels. Add it to herbs, with chicken and tomatoes and it is delicious as a lunch or dinner. Meanwhile lentils are high in fibre content which helps to stabilize blood sugar levels, keeping you energized all day.

Fish. Tuna fish contains protein, and Vitamin B and is a great source of energy. Wild Salmon is a great muscle builder and a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein, to help maintain high energy levels.

Lean Beef. Beef is high in protein and amino acids and helps to sustain your energy levels and keep you feeling fuller longer. Serve it with vegetables and you’ve got yourself a wonderfully balanced dinner.

Water. Being dehydrated is a common cause of lack of energy or feelings of hunger. The next time you feel particularly sluggish, drink a glass of water and see whether this gives you a quick energy boost. In addition, try adding lemon to your water. Lemon transforms water into a natural energy drink, packed with electrolytes, which are critical for cells to produce energy.

Beans. If you want to feel full of beans, perhaps you need to be full of beans! Beans keep you feeling full and satisfied, and prevent you from feeling lethargic by midday. The protein found in beans will regulate blood sugar levels, keeping them steady. Beans are a complex carbohydrate and therefore provides energy for the brain and body.

Eggs. Perfect for breakfast, eggs provide high-quality protein and heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids that help you to stay energized.

Whole Grain Cereal. Another breakfast classic, whole grain cereal is high in fibre, and allows for the slow release of glucose into the bloodstream, meaning you’ll feel more energetic for longer.

Dark Chocolate. It’s official. Research from the Northern Arizona University in the USA, found that with 60 percent cacao increased alertness and attentiveness. Dark chocolate contains the natural stimulant theobromine, similar to caffeine, which boosts your energy and your mood. A small piece is enough to keep you going but remember, don’t overdo it.

Regulate your energy

In addition to a healthy balanced diet containing food from all of the main food groups (fruit and vegetables, carbs and starches, dairy and beans and pulses etc.) it is important to eat at regular intervals. Eat three or four small meal a day and limit snacks between meals.

Bach flowers mix 47: Fatigue

Bach flowers mix n° 47 helps to:

  • Have more energy 
  • Be able to carry more 
  • Be more stress resistant 
  • Worry less 
  • Sleep better 
Discover how Bach flowers mix 47 can help you
Marie Pure

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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