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Many of us feel nervous and worried before situations such as a job interview or an important exam and a certain level of stress is a healthy response to challenging situations. But for some people, their symptoms turn into a more serious condition that affects every aspect of their lives. Irrational fears and worries may lead to them catastrophising, imagining the worst possible outcome of future scenarios.
Irrational worries may be specific, such as a fear of flying that prevents you from taking a holiday of a lifetime. More generalised fears such as the fear of failure may prevent you from achieving your true potential in your career. If this sounds familiar, try our quiz to find out if your levels of anxiousness are a cause for concern.
Write down the letter of each answer that feels most appropriate.
1. Would you describe yourself as a worrier?
a) Yes, all the time
b) Yes, very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
2. How often do you catastrophise, imagining the worst?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Never
3. Has anxiety ever stopped you from doing something you would have liked to do?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
4. When facing an uncertain and/or dangerous situation, do you worry about it until the situation has been resolved or passed?
a) Yes, constantly
b) Yes, very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but seldom
e) No, never
5. Do you have worries about your health?
a) Yes, constantly
b) Yes, very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but seldom
e) No, never
6. Do you try to avoid confrontation?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but seldom
e) No, not at all
7. Do you worry about the health and security of your family and friends?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, not at all
8. Are you worried about other people’s opinions of you?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, not at all
9. How often do you feel anxious or afraid?
a) Constantly
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Not at all
10. Do you worry about your own health or safety?
a) Constantly
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Not at all
11. Are you concerned about not being in control?
a) No, not at all
b) Yes, but not very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, often
e) Yes, constantly
12. Do you ever have thoughts that seem out of control?
a) Constantly
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Not at all
13. Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
a) All the time
b) Much of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Once in a while
e) Not at all
14. How do you feel about yourself?
a) I feel self- confident and happy with who I am
b) I feel quite confident about myself
c) I'm all right
d) I don't feel at all confident or comfortable with myself
e) I hate myself
15. In the last month, how often have you experienced symptoms of anxiousness?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
16. How often do you feel panicky?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
17. Do you search online for information regarding your mood or how you are feeling?
a) Yes, very often
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, every now and then
e) No, not at all
18. Do you ever worry about not being able to escape from a situation?
a) All the time
b) Much of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Once in a while
e) Not at all
19. Do you find it hard to switch off and relax?
a) Yes, I can never relax
b) Yes, I often find it hard to relax
c) Yes, I occasionally find it hard to take it easy
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, not at all
20. How often do you feel nervous or worried?
a) All the time
b) Much of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Once in a while
e) Not at all
Add up the number of a's, b's,c's, d's and e's in your answers find your result.
NB This quiz is not a medical diagnosis or a recommendation for treatment. If you are suffering from severe symptoms, we recommend that you seek treatment from a medical professional.
Your answers suggest you are not currently suffering from either rational or irrational worry at all. However, such low levels of stress may indicate that you are emotionally detached from others. Consider ways of reconnecting with the environment and the important people in your life.
If there is a majority of d’s amongst your answers, you are unlikely to be feeling irrationally anxious.
While you sometimes feel anxious, your worries and fears are still unlikely to be irrational. Moderate levels of tension are a natural reaction to stress and can work to your advantage by sharpening your responses.
You appear to be suffering from anxiousness and irrational fears may be stopping you from leading a happy and fulfilled life. Self-help methods such as meditation and herbal treatments such as Bach Flowers can treat your symptoms, helping you to replace irrational fears with positivity and growth.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
Do you suffer from a disorder known as "musturbation"? This term was first coined in the 1950s by psychotherapist Albert Ellis and described the way a negative inner voice rules our minds and bludgeons us with words such as "must", "should", and "ought".
Can we learn from our mistakes and develop a stronger, healthier emotional bondwith our kids? To help you identify your weak spots, we’ve rounded up some of the most common mistakes parents make.
7 tips to help your dog with a fear of fireworks
As nice as it is for a person to celebrate New Year, it's not so nice for a dog, especially when the loud fireworks go off the whole night. This is really frightening for many dogs. Read our 7 tips on how you can help your dog with his fear of fireworks.
Six things we think will make us happy, but don't!
When you think about things that will make you happy, what are the images that come to mind? Wealth, beauty, a dream house, long holidays, a top of the range car? Happiness is not a constant and how happy we feel depends on the way we choose to live our lives.
Subtle signs your child is unhappy
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And it's not only adults who are diagnosed with this illness. Children as young as three or four years old can experience depression.
This is what triggers your anxiety
Many people suffer from anxiety. But you'd never guess it because they develop their own coping mechanisms and keep their worries to themselves. But when anxiety becomes overwhelming, it sometimes turns into a full-blown panic attack which is very distressing.
10 Tips to get the best out of every day
When we’re stuck in a bit of a rut, the days and nights slip past so quickly that we barely notice them. But life is not a rehearsal!
Why it's never too late to change
People always think: that’s just me. I'm not good at 'X', that is just my character. Here are some reasons why it's never too late to change.
Do you expect too much from others?
Do you expect more from others than they are prepared to give? Signs that you may be asking too much - and how to break the pattern.
Standing Up To A Narcissistic Pervert
Whether it's with a romantic partner or a housemate, there's no doubt that a relationship with a narcissist can be very challenging. But are there ways to cope better? Or is it better to leave the relationship?
Many of us feel nervous and worried before situations such as a job interview or an important exam and a certain level of stress is a healthy response to challenging situations. But for some people, their symptoms turn into a more serious condition that affects every aspect of their lives. Irrational fears and worries may lead to them catastrophising, imagining the worst possible outcome of future scenarios.
Irrational worries may be specific, such as a fear of flying that prevents you from taking a holiday of a lifetime. More generalised fears such as the fear of failure may prevent you from achieving your true potential in your career. If this sounds familiar, try our quiz to find out if your levels of anxiousness are a cause for concern.
Write down the letter of each answer that feels most appropriate.
1. Would you describe yourself as a worrier?
a) Yes, all the time
b) Yes, very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
2. How often do you catastrophise, imagining the worst?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Never
3. Has anxiety ever stopped you from doing something you would have liked to do?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
4. When facing an uncertain and/or dangerous situation, do you worry about it until the situation has been resolved or passed?
a) Yes, constantly
b) Yes, very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but seldom
e) No, never
5. Do you have worries about your health?
a) Yes, constantly
b) Yes, very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but seldom
e) No, never
6. Do you try to avoid confrontation?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but seldom
e) No, not at all
7. Do you worry about the health and security of your family and friends?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, not at all
8. Are you worried about other people’s opinions of you?
a) Yes, always
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, not at all
9. How often do you feel anxious or afraid?
a) Constantly
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Not at all
10. Do you worry about your own health or safety?
a) Constantly
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Not at all
11. Are you concerned about not being in control?
a) No, not at all
b) Yes, but not very often
c) Yes, occasionally
d) Yes, often
e) Yes, constantly
12. Do you ever have thoughts that seem out of control?
a) Constantly
b) Often
c) Occasionally
d) Not very often
e) Not at all
13. Do you ever feel overwhelmed?
a) All the time
b) Much of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Once in a while
e) Not at all
14. How do you feel about yourself?
a) I feel self- confident and happy with who I am
b) I feel quite confident about myself
c) I'm all right
d) I don't feel at all confident or comfortable with myself
e) I hate myself
15. In the last month, how often have you experienced symptoms of anxiousness?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
16. How often do you feel panicky?
a) All the time
b) Very often
c) Occasionally
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, never
17. Do you search online for information regarding your mood or how you are feeling?
a) Yes, very often
b) Yes, frequently
c) Yes, sometimes
d) Yes, every now and then
e) No, not at all
18. Do you ever worry about not being able to escape from a situation?
a) All the time
b) Much of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Once in a while
e) Not at all
19. Do you find it hard to switch off and relax?
a) Yes, I can never relax
b) Yes, I often find it hard to relax
c) Yes, I occasionally find it hard to take it easy
d) Yes, but not very often
e) No, not at all
20. How often do you feel nervous or worried?
a) All the time
b) Much of the time
c) Occasionally
d) Once in a while
e) Not at all
Add up the number of a's, b's,c's, d's and e's in your answers find your result.
NB This quiz is not a medical diagnosis or a recommendation for treatment. If you are suffering from severe symptoms, we recommend that you seek treatment from a medical professional.
Your answers suggest you are not currently suffering from either rational or irrational worry at all. However, such low levels of stress may indicate that you are emotionally detached from others. Consider ways of reconnecting with the environment and the important people in your life.
If there is a majority of d’s amongst your answers, you are unlikely to be feeling irrationally anxious.
While you sometimes feel anxious, your worries and fears are still unlikely to be irrational. Moderate levels of tension are a natural reaction to stress and can work to your advantage by sharpening your responses.
You appear to be suffering from anxiousness and irrational fears may be stopping you from leading a happy and fulfilled life. Self-help methods such as meditation and herbal treatments such as Bach Flowers can treat your symptoms, helping you to replace irrational fears with positivity and growth.
Do you suffer from a disorder known as "musturbation"? This term was first coined in the 1950s by psychotherapist Albert Ellis and described the way a negative inner voice rules our minds and bludgeons us with words such as "must", "should", and "ought".
Can we learn from our mistakes and develop a stronger, healthier emotional bondwith our kids? To help you identify your weak spots, we’ve rounded up some of the most common mistakes parents make.
As nice as it is for a person to celebrate New Year, it's not so nice for a dog, especially when the loud fireworks go off the whole night. This is really frightening for many dogs. Read our 7 tips on how you can help your dog with his fear of fireworks.
When you think about things that will make you happy, what are the images that come to mind? Wealth, beauty, a dream house, long holidays, a top of the range car? Happiness is not a constant and how happy we feel depends on the way we choose to live our lives.
According to figures from the World Health Organisation, more than 260 million people worldwide suffer from depression. And it's not only adults who are diagnosed with this illness. Children as young as three or four years old can experience depression.
Many people suffer from anxiety. But you'd never guess it because they develop their own coping mechanisms and keep their worries to themselves. But when anxiety becomes overwhelming, it sometimes turns into a full-blown panic attack which is very distressing.
When we’re stuck in a bit of a rut, the days and nights slip past so quickly that we barely notice them. But life is not a rehearsal!
People always think: that’s just me. I'm not good at 'X', that is just my character. Here are some reasons why it's never too late to change.
Read the complete articleDo you expect more from others than they are prepared to give? Signs that you may be asking too much - and how to break the pattern.
Whether it's with a romantic partner or a housemate, there's no doubt that a relationship with a narcissist can be very challenging. But are there ways to cope better? Or is it better to leave the relationship?
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.