Bach Flower Advice

Bach flowers mix 51

Content 50 ml

  • Recommended treatment

Fast delivery - Large orders may incur customs charges
Free shipping on orders of more than £ 30.00

VAT included

Bach flowers mix 51: Weight loss

#label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text#
37 testimonials

Bach flowers mix 51 helps to:

  • Change your eating habits 
  • Have self-discipline during difficult times 
  • Find the courage not to give up when things are not going well 
  • Have enough patience when you don't see an immediate result 
  • To avoid feelings of guilt if you have sinned
Bach flowers mix 51: Weight loss
6 x 4 drops a day
6 x 4 drops a day
Recommended treatment <br> 3 months = 3 bottles
Recommended treatment
3 months = 3 bottles
100% natural and safe for all ages
100% natural and safe for all ages
Delivery time: 3-5 working days
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

How many bottles do you need?

  • 1 bottle will last you about 1 month
  • The first results will start to show after a few days or weeks *
  • In my experience to get lasting results a period of three months is advised *



  • The dosage is 6 x 4 drops per day, put directly on the tongue or dissolve in water
  • Hint: Trickle your daily dose (24 drops) in a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day

About this mix

  • Handmade according to the instructions of Dr. Bach
  • Ready to use
  • Unique blend of Bach flowers
  • Gluten and allergen free
  • Ingredients: Water, Bach flower extracts
  • Frequently Asked Questions

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Lose weight: Bach flowers mix 51 helps you to get rid of those pounds!

Weight loss

 Weight loss = change in eating habits

If you want to lose weight you will need to break certain patterns. This will be a big adjustment for you. Maybe you get, like many people, stuck in certain diets. Bach flower essences combination n ° 51 helps to smooth the transition to a new diet 

 Slimming = continuing

In the beginning of your diet, for example, the Dukan diet, you quickly lose weight. Then the weight comes off more slowly and it takes courage to maintain the diet. Bach flowers mix n ° 51 helps you to persevere so that the expected outcome is reached quickly.

 Slimming = self-discipline

At times during your diet, it can be hard to stick to it, like at a friend or a family members' party. It can be difficult when there is cake and alcohol present and you are on your diet; This can cause stress. It requires you to have a strong discipline at this time to not give in. Bach flowers remedy 51 can help you to have the needed discipline to get through the day and stick to your diet.

Discouragement with unsatisfactory results

Losing weight takes a lot of effort. If the result is not in proportion to the effort one gets easily discouraged. Even if it's a good amount of weight lost, but not the amount that was desired, the person can beat themselves up inside causing stress which makes staying on the diet even harder. Bach flowers remedy 51 gives you the strength to stick to the diet despite the results that you have, further helping you to keep up with it.

Moody and irritable

Moodiness and irritability are emotional states that often occur during slimming. You cannot tolerate much, and you soon become angry. The children work on your nerves, in short you walk around tense. For this we suggest the Bach flowers remedy 51 which will make you calmer and quieter so slimming becomes a lot friendlier and less stressful. 


If you want to lose weight and see a result as quickly as possible, but are too impatient to wait for the results, Bach flowers can help. Bach flowers Remedy's can help you become more patient so that you do not become stressed if things do not happen as fast as you'd like them to.

Self-blame, guilt

If you are suffering from a tough time and you're unable to stick to your diet, you will start to feel guilty. The feelings of guilt lead to stress, this might casue you to stop the diet altogether. Bach flowers remedy 51 ensures that if you get guilt, that it was a onetime thing and helps you overcome it. 


Someone who is losing weight will automatically be confronted with a series of emotions. Stress will certainly be part of it. Bach flowers remedy 51 can help to keep you calm so that stress with start to have no possible way of affecting your diet. 


* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.



I can resist the temptation of sweets!

I've been taking Bach flowers mix 51 for about a month, and I can't believe the results!

Monica Ligniti from Italy *


I'm really satisfied with the mix

I received your mix two weeks ago! Thank you, I'm really satisfied with the mix.

Lauren Tips *


I am not feeling hungry at all anymore

I've used one bottle of my personal mix and one bottle of mix 51 now. I ordered two bottles of my personal mix so I'm still using that.

Helma Uijterwaal *


I have an iron will!

I ordered Bach flower mix 51 in August. My problem seems to be that, initially, i have plenty of good intentions and the will to lose some weight but after one week (at the max) everything collapses.

Aurore Berger *


I lost 35,2 pounds in three months time

I’m taking the Bach Flower combination n°51 to lose weight. My aunt Cathy Bonito recommended this way of losing weight,....

Sonja (someone from Belgium) *


I don't nibble as much anymore

It's been a month. I don't feel the need for sugar and I don't nibble nearly as much anymore.

Christine from France *


I've lost 5 lbs (2 kg) up to now

And by the way, I am now 5 lbs (2 kg) down! I'm really pleased.

Anonymous *


I don't snack at all anymore to compensate for my work stress

I started taking the Bach flowers less than a month ago. I'm happy I'm feeling physically lighter.

Anne from France *


No more sweets

After a month of treatment, she didn’t lose any weight yet, but she is less bloated and has changed her habits.

Anonymous *


I have more control, mental order and strong willpower

I must say I have lost weight, but also that I have more control, mental order and stronger willpower.

Deborah Gemelli from Italy *


Brilliant weight loss results

I have been taking the weight reduction mix for a while now and have been really impressed with the result.

Carol Staff *


I resist without feeling deprived

I ordered this formula from you and have used it for nearly two months. I am very satisfied with it, because thanks to this, I have lost nearly kilos.

Viriginie Bouchard *


I can only recommend you try this

What has happened to me since I started taking the mix 51 drops is simply amazing.

Gul *


A great moral support from Bach Flowers

First to tell you that I am still doing well regarding my consumption and that I feel better with the house move coming soon. Calmer on the inside and less angry.

Anonymous *


I want to continue to take my life in hand

I have a tendency, when I'm stressed, to have a bulimia crisis and when I have tried to take care of the weight I gained, at the slightest deviation, I had a tendency to feel guilty.

Emilie *


More willpower

I have more wore willpower. I have lost my obsession with getting thin immediately.

Anonymous *


Less binge eating

I'm super enthusiastic about your mix 51! You're the first person in 20 years who can tame my binge eating.

Anonymous *


I felt an appeasement

I am in my second month of taking Mix 51. It's true that in the beginning, I felt appeased, with no more need to eat or nibble during the day.

Marianne *


My food habits have changed

Here is my feedback. I'm nearing the end of my first bottle of Bach flower mix 51 for weight loss. Everything is going well.

Anonymous *


A big thanks to Tom

I have noticed that even after just a few days I am in a better mood and already feel better. Things that seemed to crush me before are still affecting me, but not as badly as they were. Since taking the Bach flower mixture, I don’t allow myself to feel as down as before.

Claudia Maria Ponez *


I lost 2kg without following a diet

I promised I would write to let you know how I got on with the Bach Flowers Mix 51 you sent me.

Anonymous *


Life is beautiful

I wanted to thank you for the drops you provided - Mix 51 for weight loss. Thanks, thanks, thank!

Véronique *


I feel much more calm and quiet

I am writing to you because I’ve been taking Bach Flower mix 51 to help me lose weight for almost 3 months, and I’d like to keep going with the treatment.

Elena *


Sometimes I don't feel hungry at all

I'm momentarily busy taking mix 51, and I'm surprised that sometimes, I don't feel hungry at all! I’ve been trying to control my binge eating since puberty, so this is very nice! 

Anonym *


I already lost 7 lbs

I started the treatment with Bach flower remedy mix 51 a few weeks ago and I already lost 7 lbs. 

Marie Claire (France) *


It just went automatically.

But I must admit now that everything is better with the food. I'm not preoccupied with food all day anymore. And I've been successful in changing my eating habits. 

Hanny *


Lose weight; it’s in your head

Losing weight is indeed all in the head! Your Bach Flower Remedy has helped me a lot, because it helped me deal with a few emotional problems.

Serena, 52 years *


Sticking to my diet for six months, a record!

I’ve been trying to lose weight for years, but every time I would fall into my old habits. I would start with great enthusiasm, but after two weeks I’d fall back in unhealthy eating habits. 

Margaret, 51 years *


Bach Flower Essences help to maintain my diet

After three months I can properly tell you my experiences with the Bach Flower Remedy 51 –‘weight loss.’ I am very satisfied.

Beverley, 48 years *


Lost 10 pounds in two months’ time!

Regarding the Bach Flower Remedy 51 for weight loss, it really works well! I have less problems staying on my diet and I already lost 10 pounds in two months.

Deborah, 49 years *


My cravings are easier to resist

I wanted to send you my thanks and my experiences with the Bach Flower drops for weight loss. Like most women I am quite greedy and my diet resembled this.

Mandy, 56 years *


I can maintain my diet and stay off chocolate

It’s been years that I’ve been trying to lose weight. I would hold keep to my diet for two to three weeks, until falling back into fatty foods.

Marianne, 44 years *


Lost 28 pounds in 4 months

I just wanted to let you know my experience with the Bach Flower combination number 51 for weight loss. About 4 months ago I started with the Bach Flower remedy,....

Caroline, 35 years *


I can resist temptations

In summary I can say that I’m a lot calmer and emotionally stable. As for my diet I been sticking to the plans the dietician made for me.

Yasmine, 28 years *


Lost 6 pounds

More than a month ago I ordered a bottle of Bach Flower Remedy 51 from you. I am 6 pounds lighter and very proud of my achievement.

Mika, 25 years *


I lost 55 pounds in 4 months, I’m thrilled!

I wanted to let you know that I have lost 55 pounds already, I’m thrilled! I feel re-energised in spite of my rheumatoid arthritis and family issues.

Sonia *


I feel great and I have lost 31,9 pounds since 20th of April

Two months ago I received my personal Bach Flower mix. It’s unbelievable that you can make something solely on the basis of a number facts .....

Lieve (someone from Belgium) *

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.


The Top 6 Reasons People Fall Short of Their Dietary Goals

While sticking to a diet can be difficult, our Bach Flower Mix 51 will help you maintain discipline while providing a dose of courage when the going gets tough.

How to stop snacking

Do you find you just can't stop snacking? Eating and drinking between regular meals is something many of us find irresistible - especially when there's tasty food or drinks around.

Fact or fiction? Is it truly healthy?

There's so much contradictory health advice out there, it gets confusing. One year, butter is said to be bad for you, and margarine is better. The following year, it's the other way around. One article says running causes strain on your joints; another says it's good for you because it increases bone strength.

5 reasons why you're not losing weight

You're sticking to a healthy diet and working out. So why aren't you losing weight?

Don't eat these foods if you want to be happy!

Do you ever notice that you feel sad and gloomy after eating certain types of food? It might not just be in your imagination!

8 things you should eat to lose weight

There’s a mountain of advice about foods you shouldn’t eat when you’re trying to lose some kilos. Biscuits, cakes, pastries and sweets are all best avoided: they’re high in calories and don’t offer much in the way of nutritional value.

5 Diets that are proven to work

While many diets might work, the secret to success is to find one that you enjoy and that you’ll be able to follow over the long term. Here are some of the most popular diets that are proven to work.

Ten tips to help you get in shape for summer!

Looking to lose weight or tone up for the summer? Want to feel your best? Not sure you can meet your targets? Don’t fear. We have ten tips to help you get in shape for summer! Be realistic, be kind to yourself, and improve your health with our gentle and supportive suggestions.

How to lose weight without dieting

It is unhealthy to obsess about the way we look, and counting calories is not for everyone, but if you’re interested in losing weight and you really love food, is there anything you can do to lose weight while still eating? We think there is. Here are our suggestions to help you lose weight without dieting.

Five easy ways to kick your sugar addiction

Addicted to sugar and know that it is bad for you? Read on for our suggestions for five easy ways to kick your sugar addiction.

12 reasons to be proud of your body

Many people have hang ups about their bodies and this is such a shame. Read on to find 12 reasons why you should be proud of your body.

How to go into summer in good shape

Summer is upon us and the holidays are here. Many people want to go into summer in the best shape they have ever been. Read here how you can do it!

Bach flowers mix 51: Weight loss

#label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text#
37 testimonials
Bach flowers mix 51: Weight loss

Content 50 ml

Recommended treatment

  • 2 bottles £ 49.00
    Your discount £ 9.00
  • 1 bottle £ 29.00
Add to shopping cart
Fast delivery - Large orders may incur customs charges
Free shipping on orders of more than £ 30.00

VAT included

Bach flowers mix 51 helps to:

  • Change your eating habits 
  • Have self-discipline during difficult times 
  • Find the courage not to give up when things are not going well 
  • Have enough patience when you don't see an immediate result 
  • To avoid feelings of guilt if you have sinned
  • 6 x 4 drops a day6 x 4 drops a day
  • Recommended treatment <br> 3 months = 3 bottlesRecommended treatment
    3 months = 3 bottles
  • 100% natural and safe for all ages100% natural and safe for all ages
  • Delivery time: 3-5 working daysDelivery time: 3-5 working days
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Bach flowers mix 51: Weight loss

Content 50 ml

Recommended treatment

  • 2 bottles £ 49.00
    Your discount £ 9.00
  • 1 bottle £ 29.00
Add to shopping cart
Fast delivery - Large orders may incur customs charges
Free shipping on orders of more than £ 30.00

VAT included

  • SafeShops
  • Emota
Tom Vermeersch
Created by Tom Vermeersch ()
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

How many bottles do you need?

  • 1 bottle will last you about 1 month
  • The first results will start to show after a few days or weeks *
  • In my experience to get lasting results a period of three months is advised *



  • The dosage is 6 x 4 drops per day, put directly on the tongue or dissolve in water
  • Hint: Trickle your daily dose (24 drops) in a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day

About this mix

  • Handmade according to the instructions of Dr. Bach
  • Ready to use
  • Unique blend of Bach flowers
  • Gluten and allergen free
  • Ingredients: Water, Bach flower extracts
  • Frequently Asked Questions

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Lose weight: Bach flowers mix 51 helps you to get rid of those pounds!

Weight loss

 Weight loss = change in eating habits

If you want to lose weight you will need to break certain patterns. This will be a big adjustment for you. Maybe you get, like many people, stuck in certain diets. Bach flower essences combination n ° 51 helps to smooth the transition to a new diet 

 Slimming = continuing

In the beginning of your diet, for example, the Dukan diet, you quickly lose weight. Then the weight comes off more slowly and it takes courage to maintain the diet. Bach flowers mix n ° 51 helps you to persevere so that the expected outcome is reached quickly.

 Slimming = self-discipline

At times during your diet, it can be hard to stick to it, like at a friend or a family members' party. It can be difficult when there is cake and alcohol present and you are on your diet; This can cause stress. It requires you to have a strong discipline at this time to not give in. Bach flowers remedy 51 can help you to have the needed discipline to get through the day and stick to your diet.

Discouragement with unsatisfactory results

Losing weight takes a lot of effort. If the result is not in proportion to the effort one gets easily discouraged. Even if it's a good amount of weight lost, but not the amount that was desired, the person can beat themselves up inside causing stress which makes staying on the diet even harder. Bach flowers remedy 51 gives you the strength to stick to the diet despite the results that you have, further helping you to keep up with it.

Moody and irritable

Moodiness and irritability are emotional states that often occur during slimming. You cannot tolerate much, and you soon become angry. The children work on your nerves, in short you walk around tense. For this we suggest the Bach flowers remedy 51 which will make you calmer and quieter so slimming becomes a lot friendlier and less stressful. 


If you want to lose weight and see a result as quickly as possible, but are too impatient to wait for the results, Bach flowers can help. Bach flowers Remedy's can help you become more patient so that you do not become stressed if things do not happen as fast as you'd like them to.

Self-blame, guilt

If you are suffering from a tough time and you're unable to stick to your diet, you will start to feel guilty. The feelings of guilt lead to stress, this might casue you to stop the diet altogether. Bach flowers remedy 51 ensures that if you get guilt, that it was a onetime thing and helps you overcome it. 


Someone who is losing weight will automatically be confronted with a series of emotions. Stress will certainly be part of it. Bach flowers remedy 51 can help to keep you calm so that stress with start to have no possible way of affecting your diet. 


* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

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Monica Ligniti
(5/5) Monica Ligniti from Italy *

I can resist the temptation of sweets!

I've been taking Bach flowers mix 51 for about a month, and I can't believe the results!

Read the complete testimonial

(4/5) Lauren Tips *

I'm really satisfied with the mix

I received your mix two weeks ago! Thank you, I'm really satisfied with the mix.

Read the complete testimonial

(5/5) Helma Uijterwaal *

I am not feeling hungry at all anymore

I've used one bottle of my personal mix and one bottle of mix 51 now. I ordered two bottles of my personal mix so I'm still using that.

Read the complete testimonial

(5/5) Aurore Berger *

I have an iron will!

I ordered Bach flower mix 51 in August. My problem seems to be that, initially, i have plenty of good intentions and the will to lose some weight but after one week (at the max) everything collapses.

Read the complete testimonial

Sonja Bach flowers 51
(5/5) Sonja (someone from Belgium) *

I lost 35,2 pounds in three months time

I’m taking the Bach Flower combination n°51 to lose weight. My aunt Cathy Bonito recommended this way of losing weight,....

Read the complete testimonial

I don't nibble as much anymore
(4/5) Christine from France *

I don't nibble as much anymore

It's been a month. I don't feel the need for sugar and I don't nibble nearly as much anymore.

Read the complete testimonial

I've lost 5 lbs (2 kg) up to now
(5/5) Anonymous *

I've lost 5 lbs (2 kg) up to now

And by the way, I am now 5 lbs (2 kg) down! I'm really pleased.

Read the complete testimonial

I don't snack at all anymore to compensate for my work stress
(4/5) Anne from France *

I don't snack at all anymore to compensate for my work stress

I started taking the Bach flowers less than a month ago. I'm happy I'm feeling physically lighter.

Read the complete testimonial

No more sweets
(4/5) Anonymous *

No more sweets

After a month of treatment, she didn’t lose any weight yet, but she is less bloated and has changed her habits.

Read the complete testimonial

I have more control, mental order and strong willpower
(4/5) Deborah Gemelli from Italy *

I have more control, mental order and strong willpower

I must say I have lost weight, but also that I have more control, mental order and stronger willpower.

Read the complete testimonial

Brilliant weight loss results
(5/5) Carol Staff *

Brilliant weight loss results

I have been taking the weight reduction mix for a while now and have been really impressed with the result.

Read the complete testimonial

I resist without feeling deprived
(5/5) Viriginie Bouchard *

I resist without feeling deprived

I ordered this formula from you and have used it for nearly two months. I am very satisfied with it, because thanks to this, I have lost nearly kilos.

Read the complete testimonial

I can only recommend you try this
(5/5) Gul *

I can only recommend you try this

What has happened to me since I started taking the mix 51 drops is simply amazing.

Read the complete testimonial

A great moral support from Bach Flowers
(4/5) Anonymous *

A great moral support from Bach Flowers

First to tell you that I am still doing well regarding my consumption and that I feel better with the house move coming soon. Calmer on the inside and less angry.

Read the complete testimonial

I want to continue to take my life in hand
(5/5) Emilie *

I want to continue to take my life in hand

I have a tendency, when I'm stressed, to have a bulimia crisis and when I have tried to take care of the weight I gained, at the slightest deviation, I had a tendency to feel guilty.

Read the complete testimonial

More willpower
(4/5) Anonymous *

More willpower

I have more wore willpower. I have lost my obsession with getting thin immediately.

Read the complete testimonial

Less binge eating
(5/5) Anonymous *

Less binge eating

I'm super enthusiastic about your mix 51! You're the first person in 20 years who can tame my binge eating.

Read the complete testimonial

I felt an appeasement
(4/5) Marianne *

I felt an appeasement

I am in my second month of taking Mix 51. It's true that in the beginning, I felt appeased, with no more need to eat or nibble during the day.

Read the complete testimonial

My food habits have changed
(4/5) Anonymous *

My food habits have changed

Here is my feedback. I'm nearing the end of my first bottle of Bach flower mix 51 for weight loss. Everything is going well.

Read the complete testimonial

A big thanks to Tom
(4/5) Claudia Maria Ponez *

A big thanks to Tom

I have noticed that even after just a few days I am in a better mood and already feel better. Things that seemed to crush me before are still affecting me, but not as badly as they were. Since taking the Bach flower mixture, I don’t allow myself to feel as down as before.

Read the complete testimonial

I lost 2kg without following a diet
(4/5) Anonymous *

I lost 2kg without following a diet

I promised I would write to let you know how I got on with the Bach Flowers Mix 51 you sent me.

Read the complete testimonial

Life is beautiful
(5/5) Véronique *

Life is beautiful

I wanted to thank you for the drops you provided - Mix 51 for weight loss. Thanks, thanks, thank!

Read the complete testimonial

I feel much more calm and quiet
(4/5) Elena *

I feel much more calm and quiet

I am writing to you because I’ve been taking Bach Flower mix 51 to help me lose weight for almost 3 months, and I’d like to keep going with the treatment.

Read the complete testimonial

Sometimes I don't feel hungry at all
(5/5) Anonym *

Sometimes I don't feel hungry at all

I'm momentarily busy taking mix 51, and I'm surprised that sometimes, I don't feel hungry at all! I’ve been trying to control my binge eating since puberty, so this is very nice! 

Read the complete testimonial

I already lost 7 lbs
(4/5) Marie Claire (France) *

I already lost 7 lbs

I started the treatment with Bach flower remedy mix 51 a few weeks ago and I already lost 7 lbs. 

Read the complete testimonial

It just went automatically.
(4/5) Hanny *

It just went automatically.

But I must admit now that everything is better with the food. I'm not preoccupied with food all day anymore. And I've been successful in changing my eating habits. 

Read the complete testimonial

Lose weight; it’s in your head
(4/5) Serena, 52 years *

Lose weight; it’s in your head

Losing weight is indeed all in the head! Your Bach Flower Remedy has helped me a lot, because it helped me deal with a few emotional problems.

Read the complete testimonial

Sticking to my diet for six months, a record!
(5/5) Margaret, 51 years *

Sticking to my diet for six months, a record!

I’ve been trying to lose weight for years, but every time I would fall into my old habits. I would start with great enthusiasm, but after two weeks I’d fall back in unhealthy eating habits. 

Read the complete testimonial

Bach Flower Essences help to maintain my diet
(5/5) Beverley, 48 years *

Bach Flower Essences help to maintain my diet

After three months I can properly tell you my experiences with the Bach Flower Remedy 51 –‘weight loss.’ I am very satisfied.

Read the complete testimonial

Lost 10 pounds in two months’ time!
(5/5) Deborah, 49 years *

Lost 10 pounds in two months’ time!

Regarding the Bach Flower Remedy 51 for weight loss, it really works well! I have less problems staying on my diet and I already lost 10 pounds in two months.

Read the complete testimonial

My cravings are easier to resist
(5/5) Mandy, 56 years *

My cravings are easier to resist

I wanted to send you my thanks and my experiences with the Bach Flower drops for weight loss. Like most women I am quite greedy and my diet resembled this.

Read the complete testimonial

I can maintain my diet and stay off chocolate
(4/5) Marianne, 44 years *

I can maintain my diet and stay off chocolate

It’s been years that I’ve been trying to lose weight. I would hold keep to my diet for two to three weeks, until falling back into fatty foods.

Read the complete testimonial

Lost 28 pounds in 4 months
(5/5) Caroline, 35 years *

Lost 28 pounds in 4 months

I just wanted to let you know my experience with the Bach Flower combination number 51 for weight loss. About 4 months ago I started with the Bach Flower remedy,....

Read the complete testimonial

I can resist temptations
(4/5) Yasmine, 28 years *

I can resist temptations

In summary I can say that I’m a lot calmer and emotionally stable. As for my diet I been sticking to the plans the dietician made for me.

Read the complete testimonial

Lost 6 pounds
(4/5) Mika, 25 years *

Lost 6 pounds

More than a month ago I ordered a bottle of Bach Flower Remedy 51 from you. I am 6 pounds lighter and very proud of my achievement.

Read the complete testimonial

I lost 55 pounds in 4 months, I’m thrilled!
(5/5) Sonia *

I lost 55 pounds in 4 months, I’m thrilled!

I wanted to let you know that I have lost 55 pounds already, I’m thrilled! I feel re-energised in spite of my rheumatoid arthritis and family issues.

Read the complete testimonial

I feel great and I have lost 31,9 pounds since 20th of April
(4/5) Lieve (someone from Belgium) *

I feel great and I have lost 31,9 pounds since 20th of April

Two months ago I received my personal Bach Flower mix. It’s unbelievable that you can make something solely on the basis of a number facts .....

Read the complete testimonial

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.


The Top 6 Reasons People Fall Short of Their Dietary Goals

The Top 6 Reasons People Fall Short of Their Dietary Goals

While sticking to a diet can be difficult, our Bach Flower Mix 51 will help you maintain discipline while providing a dose of courage when the going gets tough.

Read the complete article

How to stop snacking

How to stop snacking

Do you find you just can't stop snacking? Eating and drinking between regular meals is something many of us find irresistible - especially when there's tasty food or drinks around.

Read the complete article

Fact or fiction Is it truly healthy

Fact or fiction? Is it truly healthy?

There's so much contradictory health advice out there, it gets confusing. One year, butter is said to be bad for you, and margarine is better. The following year, it's the other way around. One article says running causes strain on your joints; another says it's good for you because it increases bone strength.

Read the complete article

5 reasons why you're not losing weight

5 reasons why you're not losing weight

You're sticking to a healthy diet and working out. So why aren't you losing weight?

Read the complete article

Don't eat these foods if you want to be happy!

Don't eat these foods if you want to be happy!

Do you ever notice that you feel sad and gloomy after eating certain types of food? It might not just be in your imagination!

Read the complete article

8 things you should eat to lose weight

8 things you should eat to lose weight

There’s a mountain of advice about foods you shouldn’t eat when you’re trying to lose some kilos. Biscuits, cakes, pastries and sweets are all best avoided: they’re high in calories and don’t offer much in the way of nutritional value.

Read the complete article

5 Diets that are proven to work

5 Diets that are proven to work

While many diets might work, the secret to success is to find one that you enjoy and that you’ll be able to follow over the long term. Here are some of the most popular diets that are proven to work.

Read the complete article

Ten tips to help you get in shape for summer

Ten tips to help you get in shape for summer!

Looking to lose weight or tone up for the summer? Want to feel your best? Not sure you can meet your targets? Don’t fear. We have ten tips to help you get in shape for summer! Be realistic, be kind to yourself, and improve your health with our gentle and supportive suggestions.

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How to lose weight without dieting

How to lose weight without dieting

It is unhealthy to obsess about the way we look, and counting calories is not for everyone, but if you’re interested in losing weight and you really love food, is there anything you can do to lose weight while still eating? We think there is. Here are our suggestions to help you lose weight without dieting.

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Five easy ways to kick your sugar addiction

Five easy ways to kick your sugar addiction

Addicted to sugar and know that it is bad for you? Read on for our suggestions for five easy ways to kick your sugar addiction.

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12 reasons to be proud of your body

12 reasons to be proud of your body

Many people have hang ups about their bodies and this is such a shame. Read on to find 12 reasons why you should be proud of your body.

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How to go into summer in good shape

How to go into summer in good shape

Summer is upon us and the holidays are here. Many people want to go into summer in the best shape they have ever been. Read here how you can do it!

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Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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