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* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Sleeping problems are very common with women that are in the menopause. It’s one of the most common complaints in menopause, besides hot flashes and night sweats. This has to do with the change in hormones, but also worrying, anxiety and depressive thoughts can cause a disturbed sleeping pattern. Bach flowers mix n°40 menopause helps you to sleep better, so you feel less fatigue when waking up.
One moment you’re cheerful, and the next you’re crying and feeling down. This is very typical and normal during the menopause. Bach flowers mix 40 helps you to be emotionally balanced and experience fewer ups and downs.
You don’t feel like doing anything, you’re tired and you dread going to work. The Bach flowers combination menopause gives you vitality and joy so life is no longer an assignment.
In the menopause you can’t take a lot from others. You feel irritated quite frequently and fast. Bach flowers mix 'menopause' gives you a sense of calmness, you are more tolerable for the actions of others.
Seeing everything negatively, losing interest, having no more fun, feeling useless, these are all feelings that you can have during the menopause. Bach flowers mix 40 helps you to gets rid of these dark thoughts and steers you up the optimistic path again.
As a woman in the menopause you don’t feel like having sex, because you don’t feel like it is fun anymore. This can put a heavy burden on your relationship. Bach flower essences help you to keep a healthy sexual longing and makes you enjoy it again.
In the process of aging, your body is constantly changing, especially during the menopause. You will have to mind what you eat, because everything seems to stick to you. Bach flowers Mix 40 provides you with discipline not to overeat. Because of your heightened self-control, you maintain your weight more easily.
A lot of women experience fear during their menopause. These fears can be vague, nevertheless they can also grow into real panic attacks. This usually goes together with heart palpitations and/or hyperventilation. Bach flower essences create tranquility and gradually diminish your anxiety.
A woman in her menopause often feels old and useless. In your eyes men only look at younger, more fertile women. You suffer from the lack of attention and you feel played out. Bach flowers Mix 40 helps you to maintain your self-esteem and helps you to believe in yourself again.
During your menopause, focusing or concentrating becomes a surprisingly hard thing to do. You feel as if your memory is a sieve; memorizing is hard and information just slips through. Bach flower essences increase your concentration so that you can stay focused longer and store information better.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Hot flushes are much easier to deal with now
At the end of October I experienced hot flushes often, both during the day and at night.
Diane Embrechts from Belgium *
I'm starting to be myself again
I have been using your Bach flower mix 40 since the end of September for my slow working thyroid.
Saskia from The Netherlands *
I am on my third bottle and it is almost finished. It has taken almost three months for my symptoms to subside.
Yola from the UK *
I don't have any further complaints
For the last two days I've been using the final bottle (out of a set of three) of my Bach flowers for menopausal complaints.
Myriam Meex from Belgium *
Less anxiety and therefore less need for coffee
I'm less anxious and therefore I feel less need for coffee. The palpitations have decreased, so for the moment no coffee for me. I hope that it disappears.
Ina Kuiper from the Netherlands *
I'm afraid of not being independent
Some time ago I bought Bach flowers from you to treat my menopausal disorder and they have helped me a lot.
Cinzia Alunni *
I can only recommend this product
It seemed like it was a little easier, I started sleeping better and I can only say that it is getting better.
Karla Tingen *
After just three days, I felt less old
This is extraordinary, because it is really difficult to feel yourself becoming an old woman. I'm down to the last third of my second vial. Sometimes I also take "First aid remedy" as this helps me too.
Marilena *
It was really fast, I can't believe it
Thanks a lot for sending me my composition of mix 40. It was interesting to see which flowers are used for which emotions.
Marilena *
The bachflowers for menopause are super
I hope it’s ok to address you so informally. First of all, let me say the Bach flowers for menopause are great.
Petra Jahnel *
You requested some feedback from me regarding the Bach Flower mix 40 that I ordered from you. After 2 months I am pleased to confirm that I sleep better...
Sylvia Bode *
About 6 weeks ago, I ordered two bottles of your mix 40 for Menopause. It only took two weeks to notice the first results...
Anita van Huet (Netherlands) *
Thank you so much, the drops have been great at helping me.
Carmen from Spain *
No hot sweats anymore and a lot more emotionally stable
No more hot sweats and I'm a lot more emotionally stable. The nausea and palpitations have also gone.
Anonymous *
What happiness to feel better!
I discovered Bach flowers through the advice of a friend. I chose Tom because he proposed a composition based on each particular issue.
Evelyne Caillaud *
Almost no more hot-sweats with the mix number 40
After a week of treatment, I notice the difference. I virtually have no more hot-sweats with mix number 40 for menopause.
Carine *
I have found out that the menopause mix is the only thing helping me
I have found out that the menopause mix is the only thing helping me. I sleep far better and my feelings of anxiousness have decreased greatly.
Anonymous *
Improved hot flashes and night sweats
First of all I would like to thank you for the good mix you provided to ward off hot flashes and night sweats. I have no more problems which is great.
Connie Bulsink *
I’d like to reorder straight away!
I just wanted to contact you again to tell you that I have been taking Bach flower mix 40 since September and my menopause symptoms have already decreased a bit.
Anonymous *
The heaviness I had before seems to have disappeared
Thanks to this custom mix my crisis has faded away. I am able to banish the negative thinking as soon as it appears on the horizon.
M. *
I don’t need so much of these drops
I just wanted to give you my feedback and tell you, that the Bach Flowers Mix 40 (menopause) that I ordered from you worked very well for me.
Sabine *
I've been taking Bach flower mix 40 for complaints during the Menopause since September now....
Anonymous *
For 3 weeks I have taken Mix number. 40 for the menopause and it has helped me a lot.
Anonymous *
It’s been about two months now that I have used Bach Flower Mix 40 (Menopause) and I am very content...
Anonymous *
Gradually it has its effects on my character and my position. First and foremost I experience to be less irritable, less nervous.
Anonymous *
Sleeping better and less sweating at night
As requested I mailed you my experiences with the Bach Flower mix for menopause. There are some things that haven’t changed much, such as sore breasts and lack of concentration.
Cathrina, 52 years *
Fewer hot flashes, sleeping better and psychologically balanced
I have ordered the Bach Flower Remedy 40 for menopause a few weeks ago and have achieved great results. I have fewer hot flashes and I sleep much better.
Christina, 51 years *
After four years of menopausal complaints, now improvement in five weeks’ time
I wish to inform you about my experiences after 5 weeks of treatment with the Bach Flower Remedy 40 for menopause.
Anna, 49 years *
My hotflashes have gone less considerably
Good news, my attacks are reduced! And the sweating (especially during the night) is also reduced. I am very happy because the attacks during my menopause were really annoying.
Lynne, 49 years *
Finally free of those nasty mood swings
I have been taking your drops for menopause for about two weeks now and I feel much better about myself. The mood swings I had have reduced a lot
Clare, 54 years *
I feel great! After a period of deep depression, because of my menopause, I’m full of joy again. You and your Bach Flowers have certainly helped me a lot.
Caroline, 48 years *
On your site I read that many women were helped with Bach Flower combination n°40.
It is a couple of months now that I have been suffering from transitional symptoms; mood swings, perspiration rushes, no focus etc. It really drove me desperate.
Marjolein (someone from Belgium) *
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Tips on dealing with menopause
Struggling with the menopause? Wondering how to deal with a range of menopausal symptoms? Read our tips on dealing with menopause here.
Signs and symptoms of menopause begin in perimenopause.
The signs and symptoms of menopause begin when a woman enters perimenopause. Initially, declining levels of oestrogen affect menstrual bleeding patterns. The gradual process of hormonal change can also produce a variety of different symptoms.
Sleeping problems are very common with women that are in the menopause. It’s one of the most common complaints in menopause, besides hot flashes and night sweats. This has to do with the change in hormones, but also worrying, anxiety and depressive thoughts can cause a disturbed sleeping pattern. Bach flowers mix n°40 menopause helps you to sleep better, so you feel less fatigue when waking up.
One moment you’re cheerful, and the next you’re crying and feeling down. This is very typical and normal during the menopause. Bach flowers mix 40 helps you to be emotionally balanced and experience fewer ups and downs.
You don’t feel like doing anything, you’re tired and you dread going to work. The Bach flowers combination menopause gives you vitality and joy so life is no longer an assignment.
In the menopause you can’t take a lot from others. You feel irritated quite frequently and fast. Bach flowers mix 'menopause' gives you a sense of calmness, you are more tolerable for the actions of others.
Seeing everything negatively, losing interest, having no more fun, feeling useless, these are all feelings that you can have during the menopause. Bach flowers mix 40 helps you to gets rid of these dark thoughts and steers you up the optimistic path again.
As a woman in the menopause you don’t feel like having sex, because you don’t feel like it is fun anymore. This can put a heavy burden on your relationship. Bach flower essences help you to keep a healthy sexual longing and makes you enjoy it again.
In the process of aging, your body is constantly changing, especially during the menopause. You will have to mind what you eat, because everything seems to stick to you. Bach flowers Mix 40 provides you with discipline not to overeat. Because of your heightened self-control, you maintain your weight more easily.
A lot of women experience fear during their menopause. These fears can be vague, nevertheless they can also grow into real panic attacks. This usually goes together with heart palpitations and/or hyperventilation. Bach flower essences create tranquility and gradually diminish your anxiety.
A woman in her menopause often feels old and useless. In your eyes men only look at younger, more fertile women. You suffer from the lack of attention and you feel played out. Bach flowers Mix 40 helps you to maintain your self-esteem and helps you to believe in yourself again.
During your menopause, focusing or concentrating becomes a surprisingly hard thing to do. You feel as if your memory is a sieve; memorizing is hard and information just slips through. Bach flower essences increase your concentration so that you can stay focused longer and store information better.
Love love your blend 40, it’s really working for me.
At the end of October I experienced hot flushes often, both during the day and at night.
I have been using your Bach flower mix 40 since the end of September for my slow working thyroid.
I am on my third bottle and it is almost finished. It has taken almost three months for my symptoms to subside.
For the last two days I've been using the final bottle (out of a set of three) of my Bach flowers for menopausal complaints.
I'm less anxious and therefore I feel less need for coffee. The palpitations have decreased, so for the moment no coffee for me. I hope that it disappears.
Some time ago I bought Bach flowers from you to treat my menopausal disorder and they have helped me a lot.
It seemed like it was a little easier, I started sleeping better and I can only say that it is getting better.
This is extraordinary, because it is really difficult to feel yourself becoming an old woman. I'm down to the last third of my second vial. Sometimes I also take "First aid remedy" as this helps me too.
Read the complete testimonialThanks a lot for sending me my composition of mix 40. It was interesting to see which flowers are used for which emotions.
Read the complete testimonialI hope it’s ok to address you so informally. First of all, let me say the Bach flowers for menopause are great.
Read the complete testimonialYou requested some feedback from me regarding the Bach Flower mix 40 that I ordered from you. After 2 months I am pleased to confirm that I sleep better...
Read the complete testimonialAbout 6 weeks ago, I ordered two bottles of your mix 40 for Menopause. It only took two weeks to notice the first results...
Read the complete testimonialThank you so much, the drops have been great at helping me.
No more hot sweats and I'm a lot more emotionally stable. The nausea and palpitations have also gone.
I discovered Bach flowers through the advice of a friend. I chose Tom because he proposed a composition based on each particular issue.
After a week of treatment, I notice the difference. I virtually have no more hot-sweats with mix number 40 for menopause.
I have found out that the menopause mix is the only thing helping me. I sleep far better and my feelings of anxiousness have decreased greatly.
First of all I would like to thank you for the good mix you provided to ward off hot flashes and night sweats. I have no more problems which is great.
I just wanted to contact you again to tell you that I have been taking Bach flower mix 40 since September and my menopause symptoms have already decreased a bit.
Thanks to this custom mix my crisis has faded away. I am able to banish the negative thinking as soon as it appears on the horizon.
Read the complete testimonialI just wanted to give you my feedback and tell you, that the Bach Flowers Mix 40 (menopause) that I ordered from you worked very well for me.
Read the complete testimonialI've been taking Bach flower mix 40 for complaints during the Menopause since September now....
Read the complete testimonialFor 3 weeks I have taken Mix number. 40 for the menopause and it has helped me a lot.
Read the complete testimonialIt’s been about two months now that I have used Bach Flower Mix 40 (Menopause) and I am very content...
Read the complete testimonialGradually it has its effects on my character and my position. First and foremost I experience to be less irritable, less nervous.
Read the complete testimonialAs requested I mailed you my experiences with the Bach Flower mix for menopause. There are some things that haven’t changed much, such as sore breasts and lack of concentration.
Read the complete testimonialI have ordered the Bach Flower Remedy 40 for menopause a few weeks ago and have achieved great results. I have fewer hot flashes and I sleep much better.
Read the complete testimonialI wish to inform you about my experiences after 5 weeks of treatment with the Bach Flower Remedy 40 for menopause.
Read the complete testimonialGood news, my attacks are reduced! And the sweating (especially during the night) is also reduced. I am very happy because the attacks during my menopause were really annoying.
Read the complete testimonialI have been taking your drops for menopause for about two weeks now and I feel much better about myself. The mood swings I had have reduced a lot
Read the complete testimonialI feel great! After a period of deep depression, because of my menopause, I’m full of joy again. You and your Bach Flowers have certainly helped me a lot.
Read the complete testimonialIt is a couple of months now that I have been suffering from transitional symptoms; mood swings, perspiration rushes, no focus etc. It really drove me desperate.
Read the complete testimonialStruggling with the menopause? Wondering how to deal with a range of menopausal symptoms? Read our tips on dealing with menopause here.
The signs and symptoms of menopause begin when a woman enters perimenopause. Initially, declining levels of oestrogen affect menstrual bleeding patterns. The gradual process of hormonal change can also produce a variety of different symptoms.
Read the complete articleBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.