Bach Flower Advice

Bach flowers mix 60

Content 50 ml

  • Recommended treatment

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Bach flowers mix 60: Pre period symptoms

#label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text#
5 testimonials

Bach flowers mix 60 helps to:

  • Lessen irritation 
  • Remove mood swings 
  • Remove feelings of fear 
  • Lessen feelings of dejection 
  • Bring emotional balance
Bach flowers mix 60: Pre period symptoms
6 x 4 drops a day
6 x 4 drops a day
Recommended treatment <br> 3 months = 3 bottles
Recommended treatment
3 months = 3 bottles
100% natural and safe for all ages
100% natural and safe for all ages
Delivery time: 3-5 working days
Delivery time: 3-5 working days

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Created by Tom Vermeersch ()

Tom Vermeersch

Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

How many bottles do you need?

  • 1 bottle will last you about 1 month
  • The first results will start to show after a few days or weeks *
  • In my experience to get lasting results a period of three months is advised *



  • The dosage is 6 x 4 drops per day, put directly on the tongue or dissolve in water
  • Hint: Trickle your daily dose (24 drops) in a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day

About this mix

  • Handmade according to the instructions of Dr. Bach
  • Ready to use
  • Unique blend of Bach flowers
  • Gluten and allergen free
  • Ingredients: Water, Bach flower extracts
  • Frequently Asked Questions

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Bach flowers helps dealing with Pre period symptoms

premenstrual syndrome


Before your menstruation you are more sensitive and irritable. You are irritated faster and can’t take a lot from others. Not only annoying for you, but also for the people around you. Bach flowers mix 60 is made especially for this purpose and will help to remove the irritability.

Mood swings

Another negative pre period symptom is those annoying mood swings. One moment you are incredibly happy and excited, and a few minutes later you want to crawl into a corner and cry. Bach flowers mix 60 helps to reduce mood swings and bring balance back. You will no longer live in extremes and stop turning like the leaf on a tree.


Maybe you are also having trouble with it: those unexplainable, weird feelings of fear that sometimes come out of nowhere before your menstruation. You don’t feel comfortable anymore and you’re looking for something to be afraid of everywhere. In fact there is nothing going on, and you realise this too. Bach flowers mix 60 is designed for these cases and will liberate you from these feelings of fear.

Negative feelings

Some women have negative or even depressive feelings before their menstruation. Maybe you have it too, that you feel worse in that period and see life very negative. Bach flowers mix 60 will help you to see the good side of life. Because of this mix everything looks different!

 Annoying emotions

A lot of women tend to cry a lot before their menstruation. You don’t know why but you feel so sad that you have to cry. A few minutes later it is usually already over… Very annoying! With Bach flowers mix 60, these annoying emotions are in the past!


* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.



A world of difference

I'm using your Bach Flowers (Pre period symptoms) for about two months now; it's a world of difference! I feel more balanced, a lot more in harmony. Thanks for that!  

Anonymous *


Less anxiety and feeling more cheerful

A small report about my experiences so far, after 6 weeks of taking the Bach Flower Remedy. As I told you I mainly suffered from anxiety and dejection just before my period. 

Suzan, 33 years *


More emotionally balanced

You asked me to share my experiences with the Bach Flower remedy, so here they are. Generally I am very positive about it.

Emma, 40 years *


Calmer and less irritable

I searched for a guestbook to share my experiences, but couldn’t find any so I mail you instead. My Pre period symptoms have greatly reduced.

Amber, 37 years *


Less burst-outs

I’d like to thank you for the excellent mix for pre period symptoms. I usually take them one to two weeks before my menstruation.

Stephanie, 42 years *

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Bach flowers mix 60: Pre period symptoms

#label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text# #label_Rating_alt_text#
5 testimonials
Bach flowers mix 60: Pre period symptoms

Content 50 ml

Recommended treatment

  • 2 bottles £ 49.00
    Your discount £ 9.00 *
  • 1 bottle £ 29.00 *
  • *
  • *
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Fast delivery - Large orders may incur customs charges
Free shipping on orders of more than £ 30.00

VAT included

Bach flowers mix 60 helps to:

  • Lessen irritation  *
  • Remove mood swings  *
  • Remove feelings of fear  *
  • Lessen feelings of dejection  *
  • Bring emotional balance *
  • 6 x 4 drops a day6 x 4 drops a day *
  • Recommended treatment <br> 3 months = 3 bottlesRecommended treatment
    3 months = 3 bottles *
  • 100% natural and safe for all ages100% natural and safe for all ages *
  • Delivery time: 3-5 working daysDelivery time: 3-5 working days *
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Bach flowers mix 60: Pre period symptoms

Content 50 ml

Recommended treatment

  • 2 bottles £ 49.00
    Your discount £ 9.00
  • 1 bottle £ 29.00
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Fast delivery - Large orders may incur customs charges
Free shipping on orders of more than £ 30.00

VAT included

  • SafeShops
  • Emota
Tom Vermeersch
Created by Tom Vermeersch ()
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.

How many bottles do you need?

  • 1 bottle will last you about 1 month
  • The first results will start to show after a few days or weeks *
  • In my experience to get lasting results a period of three months is advised *



  • The dosage is 6 x 4 drops per day, put directly on the tongue or dissolve in water
  • Hint: Trickle your daily dose (24 drops) in a bottle of water and drink it throughout the day

About this mix

  • Handmade according to the instructions of Dr. Bach
  • Ready to use
  • Unique blend of Bach flowers
  • Gluten and allergen free
  • Ingredients: Water, Bach flower extracts
  • Frequently Asked Questions

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Bach flowers helps dealing with Pre period symptoms

premenstrual syndrome


Before your menstruation you are more sensitive and irritable. You are irritated faster and can’t take a lot from others. Not only annoying for you, but also for the people around you. Bach flowers mix 60 is made especially for this purpose and will help to remove the irritability. *

Mood swings

Another negative pre period symptom is those annoying mood swings. One moment you are incredibly happy and excited, and a few minutes later you want to crawl into a corner and cry. Bach flowers mix 60 helps to reduce mood swings and bring balance back. You will no longer live in extremes and stop turning like the leaf on a tree. *


Maybe you are also having trouble with it: those unexplainable, weird feelings of fear that sometimes come out of nowhere before your menstruation. You don’t feel comfortable anymore and you’re looking for something to be afraid of everywhere. In fact there is nothing going on, and you realise this too. Bach flowers mix 60 is designed for these cases and will liberate you from these feelings of fear. *

Negative feelings

Some women have negative or even depressive feelings before their menstruation. Maybe you have it too, that you feel worse in that period and see life very negative. Bach flowers mix 60 will help you to see the good side of life. Because of this mix everything looks different! *

 Annoying emotions

A lot of women tend to cry a lot before their menstruation. You don’t know why but you feel so sad that you have to cry. A few minutes later it is usually already over… Very annoying! With Bach flowers mix 60, these annoying emotions are in the past! *


* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

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A world of difference
(5/5) Anonymous *

A world of difference

I'm using your Bach Flowers (Pre period symptoms) for about two months now; it's a world of difference! I feel more balanced, a lot more in harmony. Thanks for that!  

Read the complete testimonial

Less anxiety and feeling more cheerful
(5/5) Suzan, 33 years *

Less anxiety and feeling more cheerful

A small report about my experiences so far, after 6 weeks of taking the Bach Flower Remedy. As I told you I mainly suffered from anxiety and dejection just before my period. 

Read the complete testimonial

More emotionally balanced
(4/5) Emma, 40 years *

More emotionally balanced

You asked me to share my experiences with the Bach Flower remedy, so here they are. Generally I am very positive about it.

Read the complete testimonial

Calmer and less irritable
(4/5) Amber, 37 years *

Calmer and less irritable

I searched for a guestbook to share my experiences, but couldn’t find any so I mail you instead. My Pre period symptoms have greatly reduced.

Read the complete testimonial

Less burst-outs
(4/5) Stephanie, 42 years *

Less burst-outs

I’d like to thank you for the excellent mix for pre period symptoms. I usually take them one to two weeks before my menstruation.

Read the complete testimonial

* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.

Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.

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Tom Vermeersch

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