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* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Gloom and melancholy are the most important characteristics of a dejection. People suffering from these, have a life that is coloured in shades of grey and black. They can’t have fun anymore and see no way out. Luckily Bach flower essences work very well in this area, they are able to lift the spirits in a short time span and make those “dark clouds” disappear.
People suffering from dejection are not living their life fully. They take little initiative. They only do the minimal that is required to function. They are very apathetic and have lost the meaning of life. Bach flower essences have the ability to bring back the dynamism and vitality so listlessness disappears.
Dejected people find it hard to concentrate for any period of time. As a result they can’t take it all in and forget a lot of things. Bach flower essences help you to remain focused on the task at hand and be aware of your surroundings.
Sometimes dejected people do nothing all day. On the outside they appear to be doing nothing but mentally they worry constantly about everything. This causes them to be very tired even when they haven’t done any physical activity. Bach flower essences will stop this worrying and bring mental peace so they will feel less tired.
Somebody suffering from a heavy dejection will often walk around with thoughts about suicide. These will surface at times and it can be hard not to submit to them. Through Bach flower essences these thoughts will gradually dissolve and when they do surface again you no longer pay much attention to them.
Dejected people have the feeling they aren’t worth much. Their self-worth is very low and they have very little belief in themselves. Because of the lack of self-worth they develop fear of failure and almost never undertake anything. Bach flower essences will raise your self-worth so you regain your self-confidence.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
I've got some good news. Through taking the Bach flowers, my depression is over already!
Marian de Bije from the Netherlands *
After a week, he had his 'normal' face back
My father has suffered with depression since his teenage years. He has periods of time that are good and some periods of deep depression.
Anonymous *
After two weeks, I no longer have dark thoughts
I was in a great psychological pain and I was constantly thinking about suicide.
Anonymous *
I'm less down and I have all my energy again
I've ordered mix 65 again, because it helps me a lot. I'm less down when I take it, and I have more energy.
Barbera from the Netherlands *
I wanted to let you know that I'm very satisfied with mix 65. I've been using it for 3 months now and I feel good again.
Anonymous *
It's been 3 months since I started using Bach flowers mix 65 for 'dejection'.
Anonymous *
I've been using it for a week now. I put the drops in a bottle of water and I think I have noticed some improvement already. I find this extraordinary.
Anonymous *
Altogether i am very satisfied
I took the bachflower mix 65 and i am satisfied with it. I became more relaxed and calmer, altogether i am very satisfied.
Anonymous *
The last bottle is nearly empty now. It's going quite a lot better, so I thought about reducing the frequency of taking the drops gradually
Anonymous *
Since I started taking the Bach Flowers I am much better. I feel the lust for life again, and I'm able to do things once more.
Guy Heyman *
Thank you Tom,
I now understand why this mix 65 works so well.
H v B, The Netherlands *
I don’t let dejection control me anymore
I wanted to let you know how it goes with my dejection and the use of the Bach flower mix. I can tell you that I been stable for 4 weeks, I feel good, and have control over my emotions.
Liz, 22 years *
This is my experience with Bach flowers. In January I ordered 3 bottles for the treatment of dejection, Bach flower mix 65.
Lenny, 58 years *
Thanks for your speedy reaction! And I almost can’t believe it but I feel a lot better today! I have more energy, feel a lot more positive and there are no signs of melancholy.
Sophie, 43 years *
I am here to tell you about my experiences with your Bach flower mix for dejection.
Ivy, 45 years *
The death of my friend led to dejection
I am happy that I purchased the Bach flower mix against dejection because they really helped me. I could not get over the death of my friend and was walking around dejected for months.
Cherise, 37 years *
Dejection solved in three weeks
If you knew what I took of medication and how many doctors I went to, you would never believe me. I have been taken the Bach flower mix for dejection and I became a whole new person.
Johnny, 32 years *
I’m not down anymore and I finally get out of my couch.
The first three weeks I took the Bach Flowers I didn’t notice anything. But last week I observed that I’m being more active.
Jeannine (someone from Belgium) *
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Living when (once) you didn't want to anymore
If you've ever felt like you didn't want to live anymore, you're far from alone. Unfortunately, very few of us don't experience a period of depression at some point in our lives. However, while it's not unusual to feel depressed and hopeless - or even to plan a suicide attempt - when life seems particularly difficult, these feelings should be taken very seriously.
Your life's ticking along nicely; you seem to have everything you could reasonably wish for. But you feel sad, and you don't know why. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep? Or is it the weather? Or is there something else going on?
Do you sometimes despair about humanity because it seems there are far more bad people than good? Are we primarily selfish individuals, thinking only about our own needs? Or is this cynical belief just because we spend so much time online? The truth is more complicated!
Isn't depression just a fancy word for feeling a bit down?
Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety affect around 1 in 6 people at some stage of their life. Despite it being such a common problem, many sufferers wait months or even years before seeking help.
Having a daily routine can reduce stress and anxiety - but are routines always good for you? It all depends on your character!
Do you ever feel lonely? Do you think it’s possible to be happy by yourself? Being happy by yourself is perfectly feasible. We’ve come up with a list of helpful tips for you to consider that turns being alone into a positive state of affairs. Read our advice here.
Gloom and melancholy are the most important characteristics of a dejection. People suffering from these, have a life that is coloured in shades of grey and black. They can’t have fun anymore and see no way out. Luckily Bach flower essences work very well in this area, they are able to lift the spirits in a short time span and make those “dark clouds” disappear.
People suffering from dejection are not living their life fully. They take little initiative. They only do the minimal that is required to function. They are very apathetic and have lost the meaning of life. Bach flower essences have the ability to bring back the dynamism and vitality so listlessness disappears.
Dejected people find it hard to concentrate for any period of time. As a result they can’t take it all in and forget a lot of things. Bach flower essences help you to remain focused on the task at hand and be aware of your surroundings.
Sometimes dejected people do nothing all day. On the outside they appear to be doing nothing but mentally they worry constantly about everything. This causes them to be very tired even when they haven’t done any physical activity. Bach flower essences will stop this worrying and bring mental peace so they will feel less tired.
Somebody suffering from a heavy dejection will often walk around with thoughts about suicide. These will surface at times and it can be hard not to submit to them. Through Bach flower essences these thoughts will gradually dissolve and when they do surface again you no longer pay much attention to them.
Dejected people have the feeling they aren’t worth much. Their self-worth is very low and they have very little belief in themselves. Because of the lack of self-worth they develop fear of failure and almost never undertake anything. Bach flower essences will raise your self-worth so you regain your self-confidence.
I've got some good news. Through taking the Bach flowers, my depression is over already!
My father has suffered with depression since his teenage years. He has periods of time that are good and some periods of deep depression.
I was in a great psychological pain and I was constantly thinking about suicide.
I've ordered mix 65 again, because it helps me a lot. I'm less down when I take it, and I have more energy.
I wanted to let you know that I'm very satisfied with mix 65. I've been using it for 3 months now and I feel good again.
It's been 3 months since I started using Bach flowers mix 65 for 'dejection'.
I've been using it for a week now. I put the drops in a bottle of water and I think I have noticed some improvement already. I find this extraordinary.
I took the bachflower mix 65 and i am satisfied with it. I became more relaxed and calmer, altogether i am very satisfied.
Read the complete testimonialThe last bottle is nearly empty now. It's going quite a lot better, so I thought about reducing the frequency of taking the drops gradually
Read the complete testimonialSince I started taking the Bach Flowers I am much better. I feel the lust for life again, and I'm able to do things once more.
Read the complete testimonialThank you Tom,
I now understand why this mix 65 works so well.
I wanted to let you know how it goes with my dejection and the use of the Bach flower mix. I can tell you that I been stable for 4 weeks, I feel good, and have control over my emotions.
Read the complete testimonialThis is my experience with Bach flowers. In January I ordered 3 bottles for the treatment of dejection, Bach flower mix 65.
Read the complete testimonialThanks for your speedy reaction! And I almost can’t believe it but I feel a lot better today! I have more energy, feel a lot more positive and there are no signs of melancholy.
Read the complete testimonialI am here to tell you about my experiences with your Bach flower mix for dejection.
Read the complete testimonialI am happy that I purchased the Bach flower mix against dejection because they really helped me. I could not get over the death of my friend and was walking around dejected for months.
Read the complete testimonialIf you knew what I took of medication and how many doctors I went to, you would never believe me. I have been taken the Bach flower mix for dejection and I became a whole new person.
Read the complete testimonialThe first three weeks I took the Bach Flowers I didn’t notice anything. But last week I observed that I’m being more active.
Read the complete testimonialIf you've ever felt like you didn't want to live anymore, you're far from alone. Unfortunately, very few of us don't experience a period of depression at some point in our lives. However, while it's not unusual to feel depressed and hopeless - or even to plan a suicide attempt - when life seems particularly difficult, these feelings should be taken very seriously.
Read the complete articleYour life's ticking along nicely; you seem to have everything you could reasonably wish for. But you feel sad, and you don't know why. Maybe you're not getting enough sleep? Or is it the weather? Or is there something else going on?
Do you sometimes despair about humanity because it seems there are far more bad people than good? Are we primarily selfish individuals, thinking only about our own needs? Or is this cynical belief just because we spend so much time online? The truth is more complicated!
Mental health issues such as depression and anxiety affect around 1 in 6 people at some stage of their life. Despite it being such a common problem, many sufferers wait months or even years before seeking help.
Having a daily routine can reduce stress and anxiety - but are routines always good for you? It all depends on your character!
Do you ever feel lonely? Do you think it’s possible to be happy by yourself? Being happy by yourself is perfectly feasible. We’ve come up with a list of helpful tips for you to consider that turns being alone into a positive state of affairs. Read our advice here.
Bach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.