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* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
After a divorce the child will need to live with only one of its parents, so he/she will need to adjust to not having both parents taking care of him/her. Or in the case of a co-parenting divorce the child will need to learn to live with the weekly travelling back and forth between mother and father. Often the child needs to move; Therefore their homely surroundings change as well. Even the day-to-day routine of eating together, having a bedtime story are not the same anymore. Bach flower essences make sure that the child will not get too shaken up by all these changes so he/she can adjust to the new situation.
Often the child will feel guilty about the divorce. This even happens when the parents haven’t done anything to cause this. They assume the role they played in it was bigger than what it actually was. Especially toddlers can take the blame for the divorce on themselves. Bach flower essences will take this guilt feeling away and help them see there is no reason for blaming themselves.
Divorce brings on fear: fear to be abandoned completely, not be loved anymore, to have fate decide and many more fear responses. Bach flower essences will make sure this fear will be replaced by a feeling of trust. The children will experience trust and courage to deal with this new situation.
After the divorce some children will experience anger towards their parents. This anger is mainly related to the feeling of being abandoned by one of the parents. This often occurs when the divorce is caused by a third person involved. Then this anger - or even deep-seated hatred - can become the primary emotional expression of the child. Bach flower essences will turn this anger or hatred into a more loving attitude.
Although divorce happens often still a lot of children are ashamed about it. They find it hard to talk to their peers about it because they are ashamed. Sometimes shame will start to play a role in their life as they can’t afford as much on a material basis. Bach flower essences will resolve this feeling of shame and make them see that they don’t need to be ashamed about their parents divorcing.
We will see children isolating themselves after a divorce. They show little emotion as if the divorce doesn’t affect them. However often here the opposite is true. They are dealing with the divorce by themselves and don’t talk to anybody about it. They will isolate themselves and retreat into their own world. Bach flower essences will help them to remain in contact with their environment and talk about their feelings so they don’t go inside themselves, which would otherwise cause bigger problems in the future.
Sometimes the divorce comes as a complete surprise to the children. They hadn’t seen it coming at all. As they hadn’t thought their mother and father would ever get a divorce, therefore the divorce can cause a shock and result in a big trauma for the child. Bach flower essences will help deal with this trauma and the grief connected to it.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
In your last email you asked me to keep you informed on my findings with the Bach Flower Remedy. Actually, I purchased the Bach Flowers for my daughter Jane.
Bea, 43 years *
My child flourishes again after my divorce
Thank you again for the mix for children and divorce. Marie has been taking them for four weeks now and I already noticed a very big difference.
Mark, 36 years *
Mathew and Deborah are much calmer
This time I would like to buy two bottles of Bach Flowers for Children and Divorce. Matthew and Deborah have been much calmer since they have been taking the drops.
Daniel, 42 years *
My kids are back to how they use to be
Because of Bach Flowers my children really opened up. Since our divorce they have been really introverted, but now they are themselves again.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
After a divorce the child will need to live with only one of its parents, so he/she will need to adjust to not having both parents taking care of him/her. Or in the case of a co-parenting divorce the child will need to learn to live with the weekly travelling back and forth between mother and father. Often the child needs to move; Therefore their homely surroundings change as well. Even the day-to-day routine of eating together, having a bedtime story are not the same anymore. Bach flower essences make sure that the child will not get too shaken up by all these changes so he/she can adjust to the new situation.
Often the child will feel guilty about the divorce. This even happens when the parents haven’t done anything to cause this. They assume the role they played in it was bigger than what it actually was. Especially toddlers can take the blame for the divorce on themselves. Bach flower essences will take this guilt feeling away and help them see there is no reason for blaming themselves.
Divorce brings on fear: fear to be abandoned completely, not be loved anymore, to have fate decide and many more fear responses. Bach flower essences will make sure this fear will be replaced by a feeling of trust. The children will experience trust and courage to deal with this new situation.
After the divorce some children will experience anger towards their parents. This anger is mainly related to the feeling of being abandoned by one of the parents. This often occurs when the divorce is caused by a third person involved. Then this anger - or even deep-seated hatred - can become the primary emotional expression of the child. Bach flower essences will turn this anger or hatred into a more loving attitude.
Although divorce happens often still a lot of children are ashamed about it. They find it hard to talk to their peers about it because they are ashamed. Sometimes shame will start to play a role in their life as they can’t afford as much on a material basis. Bach flower essences will resolve this feeling of shame and make them see that they don’t need to be ashamed about their parents divorcing.
We will see children isolating themselves after a divorce. They show little emotion as if the divorce doesn’t affect them. However often here the opposite is true. They are dealing with the divorce by themselves and don’t talk to anybody about it. They will isolate themselves and retreat into their own world. Bach flower essences will help them to remain in contact with their environment and talk about their feelings so they don’t go inside themselves, which would otherwise cause bigger problems in the future.
Sometimes the divorce comes as a complete surprise to the children. They hadn’t seen it coming at all. As they hadn’t thought their mother and father would ever get a divorce, therefore the divorce can cause a shock and result in a big trauma for the child. Bach flower essences will help deal with this trauma and the grief connected to it.
In your last email you asked me to keep you informed on my findings with the Bach Flower Remedy. Actually, I purchased the Bach Flowers for my daughter Jane.
Read the complete testimonialThank you again for the mix for children and divorce. Marie has been taking them for four weeks now and I already noticed a very big difference.
Read the complete testimonialThis time I would like to buy two bottles of Bach Flowers for Children and Divorce. Matthew and Deborah have been much calmer since they have been taking the drops.
Read the complete testimonialBecause of Bach Flowers my children really opened up. Since our divorce they have been really introverted, but now they are themselves again.
Read the complete testimonialBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.