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* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Created by Tom Vermeersch (bio)
Tom Vermeersch is a certified Psychologist and Bach flower expert with more than 30 years of experience.
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Group II – For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty
This remedy can help you when you’re lacking faith in your own judgement, when you have to make a decision and so often talk about it with others to ask their advice to be more secure, seeking confirmation for your decisions. Cerato helps when you regularly have the need to seek others’ opinions to get a clear mind of your own.
The information you get when asking people for advice, can confuse Cerato-types. They can be misled and make the wrong choices. “If only I had followed my first thought” is a sentence you frequently hear. Despite having little confidence in their own judgement and intuition, they do have the confidence to take on challenges once they have thoroughly thought about it.
The Bach flower Cerato can help you to have increased inner security and develop your own better judgement. You will have more confidence in your own opinion, helping you to dare to follow your own intuition.
By having a lack of confidence in themselves to take their own decisions, they constantly keep asking advice of others. These people are often misled.
Loosely translated from: The twelve healers and other remedies - Dr. E. Bach
* Disclaimer: results may vary from person to person and are not based on scientific results.
Bach Flower Essence Cerato (Ceratostigma Willmottiana)
Bach Flower Essence Cerato helps restore self belief.
Group II – For Those Who Suffer Uncertainty
This remedy can help you when you’re lacking faith in your own judgement, when you have to make a decision and so often talk about it with others to ask their advice to be more secure, seeking confirmation for your decisions. Cerato helps when you regularly have the need to seek others’ opinions to get a clear mind of your own.
The information you get when asking people for advice, can confuse Cerato-types. They can be misled and make the wrong choices. “If only I had followed my first thought” is a sentence you frequently hear. Despite having little confidence in their own judgement and intuition, they do have the confidence to take on challenges once they have thoroughly thought about it.
The Bach flower Cerato can help you to have increased inner security and develop your own better judgement. You will have more confidence in your own opinion, helping you to dare to follow your own intuition.
By having a lack of confidence in themselves to take their own decisions, they constantly keep asking advice of others. These people are often misled.
Loosely translated from: The twelve healers and other remedies - Dr. E. Bach
Bach Flower Essence Cerato helps restore self belief.
Read the complete articleBach Flowers are not medicinal but harmless plant extracts which are used to support health.
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Are you unsure which Bach flowers can help you? Contact Tom for free advice.